03. plus more.

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It's been a week since yūgure started to go to tadano's house everyday to study and review, and despite how preppy see was being he could tell that she was tired.

her hair fell in her face while she worked, and she brushed it back.

deep lines etched under her eyes and he thought she kind of looked like a young single mother always working overtime.

he didn't understand why she pushed herself to work all of the time, when he wanted her to take a break she would shake her head absently, and continually brush that one strand behind her ear.

despite the progress that he thought they'd been making, he could tell that she was distracted even when she looked so invested in her work.

she sat at the small table in tadano's room like she was ready to bolt and one time when his phone started to ring, she gasped in fright and started to collect her things.

this isn't good tadano thought with a faint frown, gazing off to the side, and saw how yūgure was actually secluded from the class.

in free periods, nobody came up to talk to her.
sure, they acknowledged her and didn't find her a bad person. they just... didn't care to hang out with her.

tadano rested his cheek on his hand, staring at the girl until the bell rang, which resulted in najimi to pull his blazer covered bicep.

“ oi, tadano! you have to hang out with us today! we haven't hung out since last week! what are you avoiding us for? ” najimi called out and proceeded to change positions all around tadano to poke, prod, shove, and smack at him.

“ i can't, i'm sorry. i tutor someone now, remember? ” tadano reminded softly, and this made najimi complain even more.

komi whipped out her notebook and held it to tadano. ' you've been tutoring this person everyday, though... who are you tutoring? '

“i know, but ito-sensei is threatening to throw her out of itan if i don't help her study... ”

he looked back over to the girl, and knew she was listening, as they were being a bit loud.

“ but i don't mind helping her, not at all. ” tadano gave a close-eyed smile, and the brown haired girl got out of her seat and left the classroom.

the said girl just felt gloomy. she was obviously interrupting tadano's time with his friends.

she should just fail and accept her fate as a slave to her parents.

her feet led her to the stairwell leading up to the roof, though she didn't go out onto the actual roof, she sat on the first stair that the door was on.

yūgure could feel the cold air brushing over her back, as the rock that held the door from closing made a gap, and she sat in front of it.

yūgure had not been making any progress.
she wasn't paying any attention all of those seven days, and it made her so so guilty.

𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐌 , hitohito tadanoWhere stories live. Discover now