💜Music to my ears💜

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Donnie x Singer!Reader

~Donnie's POV~

Me and my brothers were at the lair doing our own thing. Raph was training, Mikey was doing some kind of craft, Leo was probably playing around with his odachi, and I'm sitting here. In my lab. Nothing to do. NOTHING. April and Sunita are busy today, there's been no recent villains either. And I haven't had the proper motivation to do any sorts of inventions and/or upgrade my tech somehow. Probably the most boring day of my life so far...

~Normal POV~

Just then, they all hear Leo call for them in the ramp room. "GUYS!! COME OUT HERE!! IVE GOT AN IDEA!!" "You know, there's no need to shout that loud, Nardo." Donnie retorts as he walks out of his lab. Raph and Mikey then enter the room. "This better not be one of your "hey guys I've got a great idea, but it actually turns out to be a bad idea and we all almost die" ideas." "Yeah...! I'm not in the mood for death today!" Mikey squeaks as he pops out from behind Raph's shoulder. Raph looks up at him. "Meaning your in the mood any other day? Is that what you're trying to say here?" "What-? No I-" "GUYS." Leo shouts. They all whip their heads in his direction. "I've had nothing to do today, not sure about you guys, but for me it's been rough." "For once, I agree with Leo" Donnie blankly says. Leo looks at him a little angered. But then continues. "Anyways... I was thinking we'd go to Señor Hueso's place. We haven't been there in a while so... You guys can stay here if you want, but I'm goin'." "That actually sounds pretty good right now. "Pizza sounds good ANYTIME. LETS GO." Mikey exclaims. He then jumps off of Raph's shoulder and heads off to the surface, pulling Leo along with him. Then, Donnie and Raph follow. They arrive and Raph opens it, due to Leo trying and failing once again... Hehe

They all sit down at an empty table. Leo looks around the restaurant, amazed. "Wow... Since when did Hueso redo this place?" His eyes glistened. "I don't know... But it's really cool! *gasp* AND ITS GOT A STAGE NOW!! Mikey cheers as he points to the newly added stage.

Probably for performances and karaoke nights!" "We'll have to try that sometime!!"

The boys got to talking about different things, ordered their pizza, and just had a great time together.

~Your POV~

I'm not too sure why I agreed to this... Singing for my parent's old friend, Hueso's restaurant. Guess my hobby took over. My family is apart of the very few humans that know about this place, and actually accept yokai as everyday people. Most girls my age would think it's disgusting. But for me, I'm all for un-normal, weird, exotic, etc. I love everyone. Humans and mutants alike. I wouldn't even mind having a mutant boyfriend. Whether he be pre-mutaded, or be bitten by one of those weird green mosquitoes while dating. I wouldn't judge in the slightest. It's about what's on the inside in my opinion. I actually find some I've met attractive, oddly enough. I think it's considered a furry... Anyways, I'm preforming tonight on the new stage I've been wanting. I had asked Uncle Hueso (my parents have known him for a while. So he's like an uncle to me) to add something like this. And I'm very pleased with what it came out to be. Almost exactly how I imagined it. I love singing, but I usually can't, due to the fact that I live in a two bedroom apartment with my parents, on the top floor. Not very many people want to hear singing all day. So when he added this stage, I was very grateful. And now, almost every night that I'm free, I come here and sing my heart out. I've also been getting payed a little. And I'm glad I freely get to do something that makes me happy. And better yet, people enjoy it. Word is getting around quickly that I sing almost every night here. It's giving Uncle Hueso good business too. So it's a win-win for the both of us. Also my parents get free pizza so yeah pfft-

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