🧡I'm right here...🧡

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Mikey x Stressed? (Idk lol) Reader

Requested by LintyGarbage ! Thank you!

~Your POV~

I slowly open the front door of my apartment, tired and drowsy from the long day I had at school. I have after classes most of the time. Thankfully, it was finally over. I head to the kitchen and take a look in the fridge. As I'm rummaging around, I notice a small sticky note on one of the containers.

Hey, honey. Sorry, but we might still be at work when you get home. If you're reading this, there's leftovers from me and dad's lunch if you want some. It's on the third shelf in a box. Love you.
-Mom & Dad❤️

I sigh and grab the box of what looked to be pizza. "Alright", I smile and put it on the counter, preheat the oven, and wait. I then start to drift off into my thoughts.

'This better be a good pizza. I'm starving. How much was this pizza, anyway? Why did they get this much if it was just the two of them? Why do they get stuff and not eat it? Maybe for easy food when I get home from school. Though, they stay out a long time, it's not their fault they have to work so late... When they have a child like me, it's hard to keep two feet on the ground. I understand that completely. But, what if it'd be better if I was on my own? Lived somewhere else to give them a break? I'm 16, after all. People move out at that age sometimes. Maybe it'd be easier for them to just not have me around... Why did they have me in the first place? Was I a mistake? Am I just a burden, but they just try to hide it to be nice? Do they really love me? Are they just playing the cards, then later on dump me when the time is right? Should I move out to avoid that from happening? I need a job first, but that's all part of life. Going out and doing your own thing. Do they really cherish me like they say they do?'

I then feel something wet trickle down my cheek, and my body shake. 'What's happening? I've never felt like this before... Why am I feeling like this? I'm shivering, but I'm not cold, nor scared... Oh, God... Please, help me... Am I dying? What's gonna happen to me? Oh, no. I'm shivering even more...'

After a few minutes, I was knocked out of my thoughts, hearing a knock from the balcony door by the dinner table. "Huh?" I dart my attention towards the noise, and see none other than my lovely boyfriend in orange, Michelangelo. I wipe my tears as quick as I can and go open the door. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be training with your brothers, or something?" I ask, letting him in. "Well, I came here to see you, but when I got here, you... You looked like you just saw a dog get hit by a car..." I look down to the floor and sniff. "You saw that...?", "Yes. And I'd like to know what happened..." He came closer to me and cupped my face with his hands. I lightly blush but move away. "I-it's nothing... I promise..." I flash a smile as a tear rolls down my cheek. But, of course, being the good boyfriend he was, he didn't buy it. Not one bit of it. "It's definitely something... Please... I want to help you... You're shaking like crazy, and I can't bare to watch as you suffer..." He softly states as he hugs me tightly. "I- I-" Then, I just couldn't take anymore. I let it all out. I couldn't hide anything from this boy if I tried. He sees through people, and that's one of the many things I love about him. He's caring and wouldn't hurt a fly, unless necessary. He rubs my back as I sob onto his shoulder. "I- I don't know what's wrong...! I don't know why I'm shaking. I'm not cold or s-scared. I didn't even hurt myself...! I don't know what to do..", "Shh... It's alright... You're fine... You might be experiencing a panic attack..." He pulls back a bit and looks into my eyes. "Like, an a-anxiety attack...?" I sniffle. "No... Those are different. Anxiety attacks are usually caused by something that's very triggering. Whether it be the mention of a lost family member, or the sight of a needle. Panic attacks, on the other hand, are random, and are mainly caused by a fair amount of stress." He rubs my shoulders and smiles. "You'll be ok... Just drink some water and take deep breaths..." He looks over at the counter and sees the pizza box. "I'll finish that. But, before I do anything, I'll get you some water and make sure you're sat down and comfortable..." He kisses my forehead and leads me to the couch. "I'll be right back..." He gives me one last smile before he walks back into the kitchen.

He comes back not too long after with a glass of water. (idk about y'all but where I come from, we use mason jars for cups lmao) I look up at him and smile, still shaking. "Here..." He squats down and hands me the water. "Th-thank you..." I stutter out, trying to calm down. He nods and places his hand on my knee to try and comfort me. I get done with the water and take deep breaths. "That's it... In, out... In, out..."




He then sits up on the couch with me, wrapping his arms around my unsteady figure. "Keep on breathing... I'm right here, love..." After a few minutes, I start to calm down. Being in his embrace sure helped a ton...

"I love you..." I muffle out, snuggling closer to him. "I love you more..." He says as he kisses my head and runs his fingers through my hair.

Hoiiiiiiii sorry this took so long! But I finally did ittt✨✨✨

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