Chapter 3

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⚠️ strong language and violence ⚠️

It's been 3 years since that incident. And boy have I made friends.

Remember that guy nightmare? Well he's still my boss, however, it's not just us two anymore-

"Dust! Where the fuck did you put my axe!"

"What axe, Horror.. oh.. you mean. This axe?"

Dust proceeded to hold an axe out in front of him

"Give me!"

Horror then proceeded to lunge forwards towards Dust, and both of them started fighting.. again, for like the fifth time this week.

These two are the best friends of the group, They have always been, ever since they met they had a connection, their friendship is quite amusing sometimes (I do not ship horrordust for those who think otherwise!) Horror is usually quite quiet, and doesn't say much apart from 'hungry' or 'bored', however when it comes to his axe, he can be.. very protective...

"Dust I swear! I'm going to punch you so hard!"

"Try me bitch!"

"What the fuck are you two doing?"

That's Cross, the idiot of the group, we all make fun of him, it doesn't help the fact he's afraid of cows! What a pussy. Although, he is a very loyal friend, and can be very useful in battle when you need it.. we still make fun of him though.

"Oh shut up you talking Oreo"

"Hey! I actually like Oreo's! So I take that as a compliment!"

"Well you shouldn't"

This is Error, one of the oldest members of the group, he's the big meany. Well, I say that, but he can be a good friend.. sometimes, he usually sits in his room all day making little doll outs of his strings, and doesn't usually take kindly to hugs.

"Why not!"

"Because your stoopid"

"Haha! Dumb fuck!"

"You guys are so mean to me! Imagine what nightmare would say! He'd say-"

"That you are indeed stupid"

Thats nightmare, he's our boss, and, looks as if he walked in at the perfect moment

"But! Boss!"

"Shut up you fucking chess piece"

Cross stomped off angrily

"Ha, what a loser"

"Says you killer"

"Ayo the fuck you just say to me?!"

"I said, says you kIlLeR"

Dust stuck his tongue out at me! The little shit! Oh I'm gonna pulverise this prick just you watch!

"Come here you little!"

I lunged at him, but he dodged out of the way.. sly fucker..

"Uh, I think, your the little one here"

"Hahaha! Little! Cuz you're the smallest!"

"Shut the fuck up you egg!"


Horror had now joined in with the fight, as the three of us were beating the shit out of each other, Error and Nightmare were just watching with a disappointed look on their faces

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