Chapter 7

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⚠️ sad nootmare and Dust⚠️


Killer's POV:

I went to talk with nightmare to see about the future plans for us all. I was quite interested in what we would do now that war is over. Who knows, maybe some of us will end up somewhere completely different, with completely different lives. If so, I hope they are all happy.

"Hey Boss, I was just wondering, what is next for us? I mean, now we don't have to worry about the Stars anymore, what are we going to do?"

"Well, I suppose we can do whatever we like.. apart from destroy aus, which, although is annoying, we will just have to deal with it"

"It is fun, but this truce is more important"

"I somewhat agree, to an extent"

"Hey guys! Come to the dinning area, blue made tacos! And I'm hungryy"

"We'll be there shortly"

In the dinning room

The key from the last chapter is still the same

🫐 - "Here you all are! Horror helped me make them!"

🪡 - "Horror?! Helped you. Make food?"

🫐 - "Yup! And he did an amazing job!"

🔪 - "Im impressed Horror"

🍗 - "Food!"

🫐 - "Here you are!"

Blue placed a plate with two tacos placed on top, in-front of Horror and the rest of us

Horror dug straight in, woofing it down, it was strange to see him enjoying normal food for once, Blue must make some really good tacos for Horror to eat it, damn.

Everyone started to dig in, Except for Nightmare

🔪 - "Boss? Why aren't you eating? This is a celebration"

🐙 - "I'm not hungry. Besides, I'm not a big fan of mince"

With that, Nightmare pushed his plate away, got up from his chair and started to walk away

Dream was concerned, but I managed to convince him to let me talk to Nightmare.

As I left to go find Nightmare, I heard everyone begin talking and enjoying their food once more.

Guessing that Nightmare was in his room, that was the direction I headed into. I walked up to his door, and knocked three times.


"Boss? You in there?"

"Yes killer. But I wish to be alone"

Refusing to let Nightmare sulk in his room alone, I walked in anyway

"Killer. I said I wished to be alone. Please, go back to the meal"

"Something is up with you. What's wrong? The war is over. We don't have to fight anymore"

"That is it. My entire life I've been fighting him. My brother. Never once have I stopped to even consider having a truce. It all started for such a stupid reason."

"Why.. did the war start?"

"...That is a story for another time"

"Well what ever it was it must of been bad, to cause a war that lasted for decades"

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