Chapter 6

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⚠️ strong language, arguing⚠️

"The truth is killer.."

Dream stepped towards killer slowly

"We really need your help.."

"Why the hell would I help you?!"

"Just hear him out"

"Dust?! You're in on this?!"

"Just shut up and listen! You need to hear this too!"

"...fine, what do you want Dream."

"We want a truce. I don't want to fight my brother for all eternity. It pains me every time we fight, especially if he gets hurt. He's going to get himself killed"

"Nightmare is the most powerful monster I know. He wouldn't be so stupid to get killed, and especially by your team, star twats"

"Ouch.. but, you wouldn't want him to get hurt either. And your team mates have stated it's tiring. Having to chase us all over the place. Please Killer. You're the only one who may be able to change his mind, if not for you or Nightmare do it for your friends"

Dream gestured to us

"Killer. Please, I don't want to fight them anymore. We could be at peace, even happier then we are now"

"What if this is a trick huh? What if he's just saying it all as an act! Did you think about that?"

"I had my doubts Killer, but I trust him. And you know me. I don't trust anybody"

"...if I get in shit for this, it's your fault Cross"

"Me?!... actually yeah that's pretty fair.."

"Oh goody! So you will help us?"

"I guess.. but, how are we even going to pull this off? I don't know if you know Nightmare  but  he's not exactly the easiest guy to change his mind, especially if he's worked his entire life on it"

"We was talking about that. And we have a plan. But, and this is where I am trusting all of you, in order for this plan to work, I must bring the others here. I have a plan, but it has to be discussed with everybody"

"Fuck! I knew it! I knew it was a trap!"

"Killer please! Let's just go with it"

"Are you fucking insane?! Do you realise what could happen, if this goes wrong?! We'd be out on our asses!"

"We know the risks Killer! But you need to think of the benefits too! Think about what it would be like if we didn't have to fight anymore?"

I could see Killer was indeed thinking about it.

"I... ugh! For fucks sake fine! Bring all of them over to our base and show them our location, it's all of you that will get in trouble anyway, not me"

"Is, that a yes?"

"Just take it, it's the closest to a yes you will get"

"Uh, alright then.. I will call them over now"


"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"Dust I think you need a brain transfusion, did you not forget what just happened?! Nightmare is looking for me, if he can't find me in my au he's going to come looking for me here! And what's going to happen when Nightmare sees Dream, and the rest of the star shits, in our fucking house!!"

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