Chapter 8

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'What the fuck...

What the hell was that..

Was that..

A dream?

But it felt so real.. there's no way that..'

He wiped the corner of his mouth, which left a small deep red stain on his hand. His eyes widened. So it really wasn't a dream?

'How am I alive?"

He was still in his room, what actually happened? He's not seeing any doctors or nurses, he's not under any type of medical attention.

'Whatever.. It's not like that'll change anything. I should audition for the club before that happens, if it does anyways. At least I'll have a short term goal for now. I don't have time for long term goals anyways..'

He starts to cough softly, as he starts rushing to the bathroom.

Blood and petals continue to pour from his throat, he chokes from the petals struggling to come up his throat.

'This really isn't a dream..









"Heh, he found the objective so quickly. Still smart as ever, eh?"

"Of course I am, Jake. What did you expect from me?"




'Geez..people really find it weird when you bring an instrument to school. I should hurry..If whatever happened in that "dream" actually happens, it happened during their lunchtime meetings. How am I meant to rush that..'




"Shit.. I didn't think this one through. He really is smart, Drew.."

"There are problems that he can sense that a lot of others can't.. Me included."

"You're the same person as him!"

"Whatever. Let's just force a club meeting during morning time. They all have free periods for the first lesson. Around an hour or something should be enough.."

"Goodness, you're smart as well.."

"Maybe you're just stupid."




"Crap! I'm gonna be late for the club meeting!"

'Hm? Jake? Do they have a club meeting this morning? I should follow him, just to check.'

He follows slowly behind, which leads him to the club room.

'So they do have a club meeting.. I should just audition now.'

He tightly grips his violin, he hesitates.

'What if they make fun of me instead?

What if they don't think I'm serious?

What if I mess up in front of them-!'




"Shit! It's repeating again!"

"Don't worry, it won't. I know myself alright."




'Wait. Calm down. I'm just repeating whatever happened in that "dream". Just go for it, you have nothing to lose anyways.'




"Phew.. That scared me."

"I told you he'd be alright."




"Good morning."

All eyes turned to him, some were confused, some were welcoming, one was angry. Hailey looked at him, slightly confused, but wasn't bearing a frown.

"Uhm.. Hello, Drew. What are you doing here?"

She moved her gaze to the violin case that he was holding, and her eyes widened slightly. He couldn't be serious, could he? After bullying them for liking music for so long, he likes music? There's no way..

Drew looked towards Jake, he didn't look very happy. He looked a bit anxious, but still angry. They still haven't resolved their own issues, yet it's something they can't delay for any longer.

At least, Drew can't have it delayed any further.

"I hope it's not too late to audition."

Drew not being hostile towards the club was weird enough, and now he wants to audition?

"Luke, is this a nightmare? This can't be happening twice. I swear if he's actually good you need to kill me."

"Calm down Zander, I'm not gonna kill you. You got along with Jake fine in the end. I'm sure you'll be fine."




"Well, no. You can still audition if you'd like..But if you're joking, get out."

"Don't worry, I don't have enough time to joke around."

Jake seemed to flinch slightly when Drew said 'enough time'. Is someone putting thoughts in his head about Drew dying?


'What does he mean by "enough" time?

Was the dream really just a dream?

I'm overthinking this.

Calm down, Jake. This is probably just a coincidence.'

He looks at Drew, who was taking the violin out of his violin case. Drew's hands were shaking, and his breathing was uneven. He holds his violin, and starts to play it.






This is song is Bitter Choco Decoration by syudou. I know it shows a duo, but it can give you a main idea what he played. I suggest focusing on frame left. Search up the English translation and song breakdown if you want Drew's backstory in this AU.

Flowers [A TMF FanFiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora