change of {FATE}

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The name Drew is derived of Greek mythology. Commonly referenced as manly, or a strong warrior.

But, translate it to Chinese, and find a different meaning within, as his name in Chinese is "德魯".

"德" means morals and virtue according to Chinese Buddhism.

But on the other hand,

"魯" is commonly used as the word stupid, or dumb.






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I guess no matter how hard you try to change your own fate by name, 

It'll stick with you, 

No matter what you try.




'Stupid morals...'




He stared at the whiteboard, his eyes going in and out of focus. There were so many people around him, he felt like he was suffocating. He couldn't stand and and slowly reached for his pencil case, sharpening a pencil with his cutter.




"It's going to repeat again...and again...and again."

"What's even the point..?"

He took a knife in his hand, and held it like it was a sacred artifact, guarding it with his life. Ironically, attempting to end his life along with it.

But of course, things had to be dealt with first.




He grips his cutter tightly, shadowy figures and distorted voices towering over him, begging him for blood. For violence, for a room with less people, for a breath of air uncontaminated by worldly filth which are humans. 

People stopped to look at him in fear.

He takes his cutter and bring it towards his neck, the cold blade giving him a great sense of pleasure and relief, begging for the bitter relief and return of death once again.

Then, the cold blade disappeared. 

It disintegrated in his hands, and he walks out of class, despite the teacher calling for him.

He made it to the corridor before being stopped by the teacher, he punches them in the gut, and suddenly felt a weight in his hand again. 

A cutter,

stained with blood.

He watched in horror, and presses the cutter against his throat, slitting it. 

He lets go, and hears no sound from the metal cutter hitting the porcelain tiles.

Blood trickles down his neck, and he smiles.

And there he went again,

Going back to sleep once again.




File: Cause of Death: External Forces.

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