One Direction meet Justin Bieber!

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 Liam: Great performance guys. I think that one was the best one yet.

Liam's Point Of View

We all just finished singing Kiss You live and my the ringing in my ears from all the screaming girls had just got back to normal. We all went to Harry's dressing room to celebrate our victory with a cheeky glass of champagne.


In Australia, Justin Bieber had just finished performing one of his songs. He too went back to his dressing room and celebrated with friends and family. It was just then that there was a knock on the dressing room door.

Justin's Point Of View

"Hello." I said as I opened the door. "Justin you'll never guess what. I got you a space to perform at the Brit Awards!" my manager said. "Seriously. That's amazing. Come in and celebrate with us." I said. "When will we be flying out there?" I asked. "Tomorrow" replied Scooter 9that was my managers name) I told everyone that I will accept the opportunity. It was around 9pm when everyone left so I could make my way back to the hotel. When I opened the door to the room that I was staying in I literally got into bed and fell asleep straight away.


Harry's Point Of View

We all got back to the hotel and went our separate ways so we could get some sleep. At around 8:30pm I heard someone knocking on the door. I went and opened it and all the boys were standing there looking as excited as ever. "What?" I asked grinning.  It was Louis that spoke first, "I just got off the phone with Simon Cowell. He has got us a place tossing live at the Brit Awards! Isn't this amazing?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. One Direction will be singing live at the Brit Awards. "When is the flight?" I asked all excited and almost hyper. "Tomorrow morning at 5am so you better get some rest." replied Zayn.

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