1 week to go

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It was only one week to go until the big night. The boys just got settled in their hotel. They only have two rooms because it was full. Niall, Liam and Harry would share a room and Zayn and Louis would share a room.

Zayn's Point Of View

I was watching Louis unpack his stuff. The way his hair glistened in the light. He looked up for just a second and spotted me staring him. "You okay Zayn?" he asked me. Now stopping what he was doing to focus on me. "Yeah, I am just thinking about the big night is all." I replied. Louis walked all over to me and friendly put his arm around my shoulder. He simply said to me "I can't wait either mate." Then he continued unpacking. I finished before Louis because I simply calculate how many clothes I need for a trip and put that many in and all the other things that I need like a toothbrush, sunglasses etc. but Louis takes vacations way to far. He puts all of his favourite clothes in and all the essentials but also way more things than I put in. He said that he will be another 10 minutes. I figured that instead of waiting around and watching him unpack I would go across the hallway to the others room. They were all finished unpacking and were trying to find something descant on TV. I joined them and jumped on Harry's bed. We finally decided on watching CSI. By this time Louis had joined us and we were already halfway through. It was at that moment when Niall said he was going to go down to the bar and get a drink. He lost interest in CSI and wanted something to do. Liam said that he would go with him. He said something about needing to talk with him.

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