Chapter 2

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Location in the Atlantic ocean???

Year 1948

Date january 1st

The first expedition fleet left the harbor on January 1st. General Douglas MacArthur was planning the first expedition when they arrived onto the new land. The General stared out into the deep blue ocean. Thinking about what would await him.

Private Leonard Harrington: General MacArthur I brought you, your coffee sir.

General Douglas MacArthur: Just put it on the table please. And call for Captain Fred Willson to the room please.

Private Leonard Harrington: Yes sir.

The soldier placed the general coffee on the table and went to find the captain. After a few minutes the captain entered the room. He gave a salute to the general and the general returned it back.

Captain Fred Willson: Captain Fred Willson Reports as ordered General MacArthur.

General Douglas MacArthur: Please take a seat captain. I would like to discuss this new world with you.

Captain Fred Willson: Of course general! What would you like to talk about?

General Douglas MacArthur: Am afraid that the people here speak an unknown language that we can't understand. Also how would they react to us?

Captain Fred Willson: Who knows? They might speak the same language. But don't write it like we do. There's all kinds of possibilities.

General Douglas MacArthur: That's very true. *Take a sip from is coffee* Also you think they accept us?

Captain Fred Willson: That I can't say to be honest General?

General Douglas MacArthur: Well I have prepared many materials and I have great confidence that we pull this one though like we did back in 45.

Captain Fred Willson: I hope so too.

General Douglas MacArthur: Well Let's see what awaits us.

As the great fleet sails towards lands that were identified. Later that night. Everyone went to rest and waited for the day they reached the new world.

Meanwhile in one of the bunks.

Tank commander Ezekiel Sharp: I wonder what we would find out there?

Hull Gunner Sheldon Wolfe: Maybe our tank can take down a dragon!

Tank commander Ezekiel Sharp: Really a Dragon?

Hull Gunner Sheldon Wolfe: Who knows what we would run into? Maybe we run into a more advanced civilization.

Tank driver Leo Jones: Well I can't wait to get the tank moving again and maybe see some action. I mean after the war we haven't been doing much anyways other than training and exercising.

Tank Gunner Bobby Clark: Very true. I just want ka blang! Ka boom! Something with our 76 cannon. Am just so trigger happy right now! Just give me a target commander and am sure I get it!

Tank commander Ezekiel Sharp: *turns to clark* Ok ok you calm down. Am sure once we get there we find something to blow up.

Tank Gunner Bobby Clark: There better be!

When morning came a commotion was happening on the bridge. They finnlay find land. They sent a navy plane to scout ahead and see what's out there. When the scout plane returned. There was a road near the shore line. And was a dirt road and down the dirt road that led to a fork. Which leads into the mainland. After a few hours. Sargent Houston who was from the great state Texas.

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