Chapter 3

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As they reach the massive city gate. The soldiers stared at the massive city Muldon. The two guardsmen at the gate were shocked to see a strange soldier in a weird green uniform. Then Crescent moon announced to the guards.

Noble crescent moon: Guardsmen let me and these soldiers in so I can let them talk to our leader!

The guards look at each other. They soon start whispering to each other. Then they soon stopped and one of the guards rushed inside and rode onto the horse.

Guardsmen: My friend over there is going to tell her majesty the queen. To see if she will let your friends in.

The captain turned to the general.

Captain Fred Willson: Sir? You think they let us in?

The general took a sip from his flask.

General Douglas MacArthur: Hope so, they will. We need trade to keep our nation going. Also we need to make new friends here in the old world.

Captain Fred Willson: Same here General. Lets hope their queen is friendly with us Americans.

General Douglas MacArthur: Well let's make a good first impression. *takes another sips* Care for a drink of liquor?

Captain Fred Willson: No thanks general. Am trying to cut back.

General Douglas MacArthur: I see. Well looks like they sent a rider back.

The rider quickly stops and delivers his message from the queen. The guard lesson and then turn to Crescent then at the Americans. Then the guard walked up to them.

Guardsmen: You may enter our city. But any sign of aggression or attack. We will use our full force.

General Douglas MacArthur: We under sir.

The gates open up and let the Americans in.

General Douglas MacArthur: What a wonderful city.

Noble crescent moon: Thank you general. Our city is ranked number 3 in the wonder of the world.

General Douglas MacArthur: I see.

As they went down the main street. Crowds began to form as the tanks and trucks and jeeps rolled down main street towards the palace. The people looked at the newcomers. When they arrived at the end. They were shown into the palace.

The guards lend them into the throne room. The bow at the queen.

Victoria Mediean: I am queen Victoria Mediean and you may rise. Please introduce yourself.

General Douglas MacArthur: I am General Douglas MacArthur and am the leader of this expedition group.

Then the captain introduced himself.

Captain Fred Willson: I am Captain Fred Willson your highness.

Victoria Mediean: May I ask why are you here?

General Douglas MacArthur: Our country has been transported to your world, your highness. And were sent here to open relations with both our counrty and also open trade.

Victoria Mediean: Very interesting? What is your country called General?

General Douglas MacArthur: It's called The United States Of America or U.S.A if you like.

Victoria Mediean: An interesting name. But what can your country provide?

General Douglas MacArthur: Well all kinds of things. Like crops and food and technology. Also modern medicine.

Victoria Mediean: Very well. Let's speak with your leader.

General Douglas MacArthur: very well you highness. Captain radio Washington at once!

Captain Fred Willson: Yes sir right away.

After a few days. Arrangements were made where the queen and your family along with some other nobles to visit the United States. President Harry S. Truman was getting ready for the visitors from overseas. This very important visit would help America and start reponing trading. The fleet was almost back in the U.S waters. Carrying the important passengers back to the states.

Noble crescent moon: Hey captain what's America like?

Captain Fred Willson: Well it's very different from your country.

Noble crescent moon: I see.

Captain Fred Willson: Mhm Over hundred years ago we broke away from a great power. Now we are a powerful nation.

Noble crescent moon: I see. Well what's your city like?

Captain Fred Willson: Oh very busy and never sleeps. Also very tall buildings and skyscrapers. Also everyone drives a vehicle called a car.

Noble crescent moon: You mean like your horseless carriages?

Captain Fred Willson: Yes. Also great food and drinks. I do hope you enjoy your stay in my country.

The fleet arrived in New York city. The guest stared at the massive city and the tall glass skyscrapers. As they pass the statue of liberty. Other ships and boats blow the horns welcoming the newcomers and the fleet coming home.

(queen) Victoria Mediean: What a big city. Just look at the arctic.

Noble crescent moon: Just as the captain described it. So this is the United States huh.

Maid Munda: Well they people do look welcoming. I do want to try these cheese burgers that Americans are talking about.

When the fleet docks at the harbor. The guests were quickly escorted to the white house and met with the president. President Harry S. Truman showed the visitors many American advancements and history. They also got to experience some of the American culture. After a few weeks showing them around the 50 states. The queen agreed to open trade with the states and open relations.

This was good for the states. As that all the export needed to go somewhere. Tons of food and other goods quickly arrived. The people flocked to pick up the new American goods. And was quickly picking up in other countries. Other countries heard of these Americans through word of mouth from other traders who were carrying their goods. These other countries wanted in on these American goods.

The word soon spread in the empire of peking. The empress of Peking also heard about these Americans that came from another world. It was confirmed that a magical burst caused this new country to show up. Now she wants to meet these Americans.

Impress Fan Zhi: I want to open up to these Americans. I want these American goods and see what all these carzyed is?

What's going to happen next?


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