Steven meets Jasper

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*Gem Warship*

"Jasper pleace wait! If Pink Diamond is really alive and not shattered then why was she with those Crystal Gems!" Peridot panically said as she chased after the most larger and stronger gem as the jasper walked back to her room. Jasper stopped and turned her head to look at the gem who flinched before Peridot quickly apolagies saying their diamond most likey been captured by the enemy. 

"Get back to the bridge, I need to check on the amazing Pink Diamond." Jasper commaned before quickly rushing towards the captian's room. She walked in and saw the pink diamond still not reformed, sitting on the silk pillow. The gem sighed wondering how long till her diamond reformed, no one has every seen a diamond puff before so the knowlage about how long it would take was unknowed to her.

She quickly snapped out of it when the diamond started to reform but it was reforming diffrent, the ponit seemed to go inside the diamond's physical form and the diamond was only a few inches taller then the fake form that Jasper found her Diamond in.

But the jasper knew it was her diamond, the eyes were the same and the outfit made of the rarest silk clothes and a pink rose, witch only one gem in their species could make.

But the jasper knew it was her diamond, the eyes were the same and the outfit made of the rarest silk clothes and a pink rose, witch only one gem in their species could make

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*Steven Diamond form*

"Wha- why am I dressed like this?" Steven asked as his feet hit the ground before he looked around till his eyes landed on Jasper, who looked at him with a dark gleeming look in her eyes that scard him. "PEARL, GARNET, AMETHYST WERE ARE YOU GUYS! HELP MEEEEEEEE!" cried Steven as he tried to run to the door to escape the gem, but tripped over his pink dress shoes.

"Ow, that hurt." Muttered Steven before he knew it he was picked up from behind and holded bridly style in the gem's hold. "My Diamond are you alright? Of corse your not alright oh my god what is that liquid coming out of you!" Jasper cried seeing red liquid starting to come out of her clarity's hands. Before she could wrap her mind around running to the brigde with her Diamond (so that Peridot's could scan her for .... f-fl- flaws) the little Diamond in her hold licked, LICKED her hand an IT HEALED!

"All better now!" Steven said before looking up at the gem who hurt his family, who then set him down on a giant bed before standing up straight and making a diamond symbol with her arms. Looking at the gem hair was long beige, while her eyes were amber and he quartz wasn't a normal Jasper but a Red Striped Jasper.

"My Diamond I, a jasper made from Quartz Soilder from the Beta Kingergarden of your Colony am happy to have you return to me, I mean us. The other Diamonds will want to see you right away once we reach HomeWorld, so pleace stay here and rest. I shall be off to deal with the trailors who held you against your will." Jasper said before bowing towards the confussed hybrid, who didn't say a world cause he was lost at what to say. Seeing that her Diamond didn't disagree Jasper left the room, heading towards the cells on the other side of the ship to 'talk' with the rebels. 

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