Steven 1st escape attempt failed

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"Ok, no one's here, maybe I can find the Gems and we can escape!" whispered Steven in his new form quickly was making his way threw the ship looking for his friends. He was nearly seen by Jasper and Peridot a few times but he quickly hid.

He found a blue gem who was short wearing a dress with bangs covering her face after a few hours of searching, she look badly beaten up and inside a cell with some sort of forcefield Infront of it. She looked shook when she saw him, placing a hand over his month "Steven? What happened to you?"

Steven looked at her with his pink eyes asking how she knew him, but quickly Gem made a motion to go hid. Quickly rushing down a different tunnel he heard heavy footsteps apportion the cell. It was Jasper and Peridot! The two seemed to be arguing about something, about ... Pink Diamond? 

'But I thought Pink Diamond was shattered by Mom? Were they here to capture the remaining Gems? Will I be killed for having Rose Quartz s Gem?' thought Steven in a panic, before he started pacing back and forth trying to figure out what was happening.

Next thing he knew he walking into someone, "Sorry...." Steven apology before looking up only to see Jasper looking down at him in worry. Picking Steven up gentle before cradling him in her arms, she quickly turned glaring at the Gem in the cell.

"I should have kept you bobbled. You're already causing her clarity to fall back into your tainted hold." growled Jasper as she turned Steven to face her chest. She told the Peridot to deal with the disobedient Gem before walking away. 

As she made her way threw the space ship, the Jasper did not say a word to the little hybrid the whole time. Once back inside the room the Gem placed Steven on the largest pink pillow, before asking "My Diamond why did you go looking for those traitors?"

Steven looked more confused then before before asking in a nervous voice, as he wiggled around on the pillow "Umm their my friends, I don't really know who that blue Gem was really and why are you calling me a Diamond. I'm a quartz see!"

Pointing at it he showed Jasper his gem, only to look up seeing her pacing back and forth as she looked ... worried? Concerned maybe?

The Jasper turned around before questioning him, asking poor confused Steven things he had no idea about. The only reason she stopped was she heard his belly grumble. She looked confused as Steven asked for something to eat cause he was hungry. 

"Hungry? What dose that mean?" the Jasper whispered before he picked her up again heading off to the control room, to see what that Lapis knew about the issue Pink Diamond was suffering from.

 Jasper blamed that damn plant for all the suffer her poor Diamond went threw, and those damn Crystal Gems! They brainwashed her poor beautiful creator, making her think she was Rose Quartz who probably was shattered when the other Diamonds blasted the plant!

She'll let the other Diamonds deal with the traitors, after all she had to look after her beloved Pink Diamond. That's what a good loyal obedient Gem dose after all!

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