Streber x Kevin

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(Ok soooo I know I put many story's on hold right now but like I'm working on a YouTube video right now and I need a break once in a while so  but I promise I'll work on the other story's later in life just not now. So yeah anyways this is an au I made like literally today so it's still in development I might make a story about it later. Anyways so this is where life where all the characters live in is kinda like a apocalypse where it's kill or be killed(undertale :0). It wasn't like this but then this type of toxic air went around and made people insane and started killing people. Kevin and Streber are the most famous killers in the town so everyone stays away from them. They took in Skid, Pump, Roy, Ross, and Robert in as their children. They all have been infected by the toxic air so all of them are crazy. But I'll tell u more if I make a story about it so enjoy this story I guess or don't that's up to you)


I soon came back home with our new victim in my hands. I walked in to see my beautiful husband walking to my side and kissed my cheek. "Hello honey~ How was it~?" "It was great dear~! they screamed so much and don't worry they are still alive for tonight~!" "That's good to hear~! I'll go get everything ready and you go take a shower! Ok?" "Ok dear! Here you take them to go get ready for tonight~ see you in a bit sweetheart~!" I said as I handed Kevin the still alive victim as I kissed him and walked upstairs to go get a shower. As I reached the top I saw Skid and Pump drawing pictures in the middle of the hall for some time odd reason but I didn't really care so I walked up to them and I asked what they were drawing. "Hey kids! What are you drawing?" "Oh! Hi Dad! I just drew us all together as a family!" "Aw I love it so much! You should show your papa your amazing drawing! Now what did you draw Pump?" "Oh I drew us all  hurting the victim!" "Oh! I love it! You both should show papa this amazing drawings so he can put them up on the fridge!" "Ok Dad!" "Now I must go but I'll see you tonight for our family time!" "Ok Dad byyee!" "Bye kids!" I ended the conversation by walked to the master bedroom and getting ready to get in the shower.


I took the victim as Streber walked upstairs. I walked to the kitchen and started making my famous steak with mashed potatoes. I kept hearing the victim scream which was kinda pissing me off. I look back at the victim to see them looking at me with fear so I walked up to them and crouch down and hold their chin so they could look at me. "Please don't scream sweetheart~ It's all ok! Just please stop screaming. Your giving me a headache~ and I don't need that right now! Especially for tonight~!" I said as I got up and went back to making my famous steak. I say Roy and Ross walking to see what I was making. " What are you making? It looks good!" "Oh just my famous steak you guys love all the time!" "Yes! I want it now! Give me it!" "No Roy! You must wait till tonight to get it! And plus it's not even ready yet." "Grrr fine! Come on Ross let's go see what Robert is doing! See you later Papa!" "Bye papa." "Bye Roy! And Bye Ross!" As I said as I petted both of their heads as they left with smiles on their faces. I soon got the food done and walked upstairs to get ready so I put on this cute outfit for tonight. I found a cute plain white long dress as I put it on and looked in the mirror. "Aw your beautiful darling~" Streber said as he hugged behind me and kissed my neck. "Stop it sweetheart~! Ngh~ you know how sensitive my neck is! Agh~" "I know but I can't help it~ your just so beautiful~" as he said as he went back to kissing my neck. "O-Oh~ Streber please~!" I moaned as I petted his head as he kept kissing my neck. He soon moved his hands to my chest and just squeezed them. "O-OH~! Ngh~!" I moaned and moaned. "Um Dad's?" We bother stopped stopped and looked at the doorway to see Robert standing there looking at us confused. "We are all ready for tonight..also what we're you doing...?" "UM- we were doing grown up things! You will learn when your older! But for now we must now head outside! So get ready Hun~! We will be waiting outside~!" I said as I took Robert's head and walked outside where I see the rest of the kids just running around having fun. They were all wearing white. I soon set up the tables and got my famous steak out and sat it down on the table.  Then I got the victim out here and sat them down infornt of the steak and gave them a smile. I soon see Streber wearing all white as he came up and kissed me. "Ok kids! Sit down and get ready to pray!" They soon came over and sat down as they all got ready to pray. "Ok honey~ Go ahead!" I looked at Streber as he soon started. "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this amazing food my beautiful husband make us. Thank you for this beautiful family I have now. Thank you for this amazing day. We thank you for everything. Amen. Ok kids! Dig in!" They soon digged in with smiles on their face. "This is good Papa!" "Yea this is really good! Thank you papa!" "Aw Thanks kids!" I smiled as I looked at the victim and smiled. "I think we should feed the victim before tonight~" "Your right honey~" Streber said as he got up and moved the cover off the victims mouth and fed them. "Good! Your eating now~ Soon you will be ready~" said Streber as he sat back down and ate his food. We soon got all done as we took the victim and layed them down on a cross. We soon got some nails and a hammer. We soon took the nails and put them on their hands and just pounded the nails in with the hammer. The victim just screamed and screamed. It was like music to my ears. "Oh honey this is beautiful~!" "I know sweetie~!"  We soon got done as the kids just screamed in joy. The kids loves this time. It's their favorite time of the day. We all loved this time. I kissed Streber as Streber kissed back to soon let go as he picked up the cross and sat it down on the ground and just smiled. God he is so strong~. He came back over and we soon danced around the cross singing and singing. We all had the best time of our life's.

(Ok that's it for now. I might back a part 2 later but I'm going to make a Rick x Kevin now so bye.)

Words- 1244

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