You look sexy after the shower~

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Request by CANDYGUTS3247008 hope u enjoy pookie :3

Also transfem reader x transmasc Kevin


It was late outside while I was waiting for Kevin aka My boyfriend to get home. We have been dating for about 2 years now and it's been the best 2 years of my life. He was a sweet and very understanding person, he was just to sweet for me. I had decided to start a hot shower for Kevin and I while grabbing 4 towels for us. Kevin likes to wrap his hair in a towel like I do so that's why always grab 4 towels. I finally heard the door open to see Kevin walking in all sluggish with a tried look on his face. He had slowly taken off his clothes which were now sitting in the living room floor making me laugh of how tired Kevin was that he just took his clothes off.

He hugged me as his sighed tiredly while I carried him to the bathroom. "I started the shower for us, We can take it together to make you feel better!" That made Kevin smile as he kissed me on the cheek, "Thank you dear, Let's jump in before I pass out.." Kevin had jump in the shower as I was taking my clothes off putting them in a pile on the floor then jumping in too washing my hair as Kevin was washing his hair as well. We both took very good care of our hair, that's why we both kinda got long hair. Kevin had lots of facial hair on his body and a shit ton of hair on his crotch area, He was to say the least kinda hairy. I looked down at his hairy cunt with his large clit caused by testosterones caused my dick to become hard.

My eyes were focused of Kevin's curves, How thick his thighs were, how wide his hips were, how plump and fat his ass was. I couldn't help but stare. My dick became bigger and harder till my dick was now 7 to 8 inches long, I tried to hide it before Kevin saw it trying to focus on washing myself but I still couldn't stop looking at Kevin's curves and his hairy crotch area. Kevin's body was all curves, His thighs were bigger then any women's thighs I've ever seen and trust me I used to date women with thick's thighs but none were bigger then Kevin's, His hips were wider then the damn world. He also had pretty big breast too even though he wears a binder and sport bras, they were around cup sized d or even dd. I'm always shocked how the binder can fit all that but atleast it does the job.

I quickly washed my body quietly moaning when I washed my dick cause it was still hard as some Precum was coming out,  Kevin didn't seem to notice my hard on which was good so I quickly got out wrapping the towel around my body. My body wasn't in the best shape. I am very chubby but Kevin doesn't mind it one bit, he always lays on my stomach like a pillow and even chewy it playfully making me laugh all the time. But anyways the towel didn't help much when my dick was sticking out like a sore thumb causing me to blush. I quickly ran out the bathroom probably leaving Kevin all confused. I changed and trying to think of something else probably something disgusting to make my dick go all soft but nothing was wrong, My dick was harder than a rock.

I hid myself under the covers hoping to hide my hard on but it still stuck out so I moved to my side till I saw Kevin walk in with a towel wrapped around his head and his body, He then changed into some shorts then one of his hello kitty shirts, I saw him climb in next to me kissing my forehead. "Hey dear! I missed you, you ran out like someone was chasing you, Are you ok?" Kevin asked me making me aw that he cared but I quickly answered him, "Oh! I just wanted to get into bed so bad so I ran in here and quickly changed then climbed in!" I lied as I didn't want him to know I had an hard on, it was quite embarrassing and I didn't want to tire him out more.

Kevin gave me an concerning face but he didn't question it as he turn around with his back facing me, He knows I love to big spoon him so he tends to do this a lot which I don't mind but at this moment I do, My hard bulge rubbed against his plump ass making me groan softly. Kevin was being oblivious, he didn't even feel my hard bulge press up again his ass but scene his ass is fucking huge he probably doesn't feel it anyways. I softly wrapped my arm on his hip, nuzzled my face into his neck with my body up against his. I felt my breast which was a C sized cup up against his back making him turn his head to me. "You're very clingy tonight, Is something wrong? Please tell me..."

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