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The following morning I woke up to an empty bed. I wasn’t mad though because I smelt bacon. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and then made my way to kitchen.

            “No, you don’t understand, Danni!” I gasped at the sound of her exes name but quickly covered my mouth with my hand. “I do love you.” My eyes burned as the tears threatened to fall but I refused to cry. I am stronger than this. “You’re not listening to me!” Adrienne said. I couldn’t listen to anything else.

            I went for my extra set of keys from my pocketbook and exited through the backdoor. No matter how hard I scolded myself. No matter how stupid I felt I was being—how stupid I was calling myself. No matter how strong I told myself I was. No matter how I tried to keep it together.

            I felt broken and I still cried.

            I held off for so long. I knew I was in love with her and I thought she was in love with me. Every time she wanted to tell me I told her no because I knew if she gave me that happiness it could easily be taken away from me—she could easily take it away from me.

            That’s exactly what she did.

            I’ve craved Adrienne for so long; to be with her, to be happy with her and to let her know how much I love her. How stupid and childish it was to believe in that like I did? Fucking stupid, that’s how stupid.

            I left the house for hours. The sun had gone down, the sky was dark and it was pouring. Adrienne kept calling me and I kept ignoring her calls. Why don’t she go call Danni. Danni’s the one she loves right? Danni should be comforting her. She just needed someone to fulfill her sexual needs because the love of her fucking life couldn’t do it right.

            My phone vibrated again, just like those other times I ignored the calls. A voicemail came in after that and after the voicemail was a text messages. You know, the longer you ignore something or put it off the harder it gets. With that knowledge in mind, I paid the bill for the café I spent the last couple hours.

            The house doesn’t have an attached garage so by the time I got to the front door I was soaking wet. A crying Adrienne greeted me at the door. She looked furious. “Where have you been?” She yelled at me. “I was worried sick about you! You’re fucking phone don’t work? Or you forgot how to use it?” I scoffed and walked away from her, only to be stopped by a tight grip on my elbow.

            Where she touched burned, and not the good kind of burn either. I snatched my hand away. She looked hurt, but guess what baby. I’m hurt! She tried to touch me again when I turned to look at her. Holding my hands up, I stepped back. “Don’t fucking touch me!”

            “Wha…” She couldn’t even finish what she was saying. I watched the shock freeze her entire body until she just looked lost and confused, then I left her standing there and went to my room.

            I started stripping out of my wet clothes, left them on the floor and started looking around the room for my bag. Suddenly I was tackled onto the bed. Adrienne spun me on my back, straddled my waist and grabbed my hands.

            “What the fuck, Adrienne? Get off of me!”

            I struggled, trying to break free. “Despite what you think, I’m only weak when you’re making love to me”

            “Shut up! You’re such a fucking liar! I was so stupid to believe anything you said”

            Struggling was pointless, especially since she had my hands in a tight grip above my head. “It makes sense. Next time you decide to eaves drop make sure you listen to the entire conversation”

            “Nothing I heard after that would have made a difference. You…lied…to me!”

            “No, I didn’t,” she insisted. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Of course I do love Dan—”

            “Get the fuck off of me! You’re such an asshole! How can you even tell me that?”

            “Olivia, shut up and listen! Danni didn’t do anything to me. She was good to me. I was the one that fell for someone else. That doesn’t mean I don’t love her. We were together for a long time—”

            “Good. Then go back to—” Adrienne growled and put her hand over my mouth, turning the remainder of my sentence to a gibberish mess.

            “You want to know what I told Danni this morning? She didn’t understand why I was with you. She thought it was just lust. Then she said I don’t care about her and I don’t love her. So I told her that I do love her. It’s the truth.  She said if I love her then I would come back to her. She wasn’t listening. She didn’t get it. Yes, I do love her but I am in love with you. You’re the one I want to be with or else I wouldn’t be here. I would never lead you on like that. You mean too much to me for me to ever even think about hurting you. I’d rather hurt myself than cause you any pain. You mean that much to me. You mean more than I can ever tell you.”

            “Gah, I fucking hate you!” She knew I didn’t mean that. She knew that was my angry retort for her confessing and making me love her even more. She laughed and swooped down to kiss me. I let her and kissed her back. Now she released my hand and I wrapped them around her neck and brought her closer to me. Breaking away, she looked into my eyes. God took this opportune moment to propel a bright lightening that lit the entire room up followed by the sound of a dangerous roaring thunder. Adrienne shrieked and was under the cover of the unmade bed in seconds.

            I got what I needed, a good laugh.

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