After Their Story

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            "Adrienne, Sometimes you really make me want to strangle you. I said I couldn't, alright? I have to be in court by 9 A.M. tomorrow. I have enough going on here with this case and the last thing I need right now is for you to be upset with me. I already feel shitty on my own, okay? I don't need you making me feel guilty for not spending enough time with you lately."

She was quiet then she said in the softest of voice, "You're a confident, successful woman. I'm so proud of you and I wish you would trust yourself. You need to pull away from this case. Rest. You're making this more than it has to—you know what? You're right and I'm sorry. Bye, Liv." Oh fuck.

I sighed, hanging my head in my palms as I felt defeat, sadness, and more guilt wash over me. Great. Just what I needed. For the past five weeks I have spent every waking moment killing myself over this case, making sure every single fucking last detail doesn't hold anything to stab me in the heart or can be twisted in any way that can be damaging or unpleasant for my client. I know she's right, so, why can't I just accept it.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head and the first thing I saw was her picture, with her beautiful smiling face with that cherry red lipstick of hers that I love so much. She was smiling at me, wearing the red and black mini dress that I bought her for her birthday. She had sat on our bed, blonde curly hair tossed to one side, and palms flat behind her. Her legs, one over the other, showed off the black platform pumps that I bought for the outfit. She didn't need any more shoes but I knew she would later go out to buy a pair specifically for the dress.

I felt my lips forming a smile. The feeling felt foreign has I hadn't smile in—I can't even remember. Still smiling, I locked up the files for the case in a safe, grabbed my pocketbook, my car keys and my cell. On my way home I stopped at a lingerie store with the intention of being sexy for my woman

I got home and as expected she was nowhere to be found in our apartment. All at the same time, I grabbed my phone, hopping to the bathroom while I took my heels off. I quickly hit the speed dial shortcut on my home screen titled "baby". It was the one for text.

I wrote to her:

Hey, I'm home. Where are you?

I went shopping...with your credit card.

Why do you always take my credit card when you're mad at me? How did you even get my credit card?

I have my ways. Shopping makes me happy, and since you made me upset, you should fix it. Thank you, baby, I won't be so mad when I'm finished and decide to come home.

I rolled my eyes at that. She can be so spoiled sometimes. It's my own damn fault.

Come home?

I'm busy.


She didn't answer because she wouldn't dare give me the satisfaction of giving me something I asked for. Knowing her, she'll take her sweet little time. That gave me an hour and forty-five minutes maximum to get ready. I shampooed my hair first then put the conditioner in and let it stay as I shaved everything that needed shaving.

After blow-drying my hair I put some mousse in to keep my disobedient curls at bay. I put on make up, using eyeliner to give me a feistier, sexy look. Last but not least, lingerie. A black Babydoll mesh set with thong. Two dotted red bows covered my nipples. It's for the sake of teasing, I'm sure. The thought crossed my mind to put on a pair of high heel sandals but they always got in the way.

The lavender scented candles were starting to create that spa like air of complete serenity. One last time, I checked myself in the mirror, ruffling my hair a bit at the root to make it bigger. Right on time, I thought when I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs. I ran on my tippy toes to the light and dim it just enough, then ran on my tippy toes to bed.

I opted for lying on my stomach with my feet swinging in the air behind me to give her a perfect view of my ass in the thong when she walked in. I peeked over my shoulder as she walked in just in time to see her stop dead in her tracks.

"Is this an apology?" She questioned. She had an assertiveness to her tone but her eyes betrayed it. They wouldn't stay one place. I saw them crawling up my body from my toes to my head and around the room then back to one part of my body or the other.

I turned before I spoke so that I was lying on my back and now she could see everything. "No, not an apology. It's me doing something about us. I miss you. A lot. I don't want you to feel lonely when you have me. You have me now," I said, then wiggled my brow. "All of me." I then ran my hand from my thighs up to my nipple, twirling the bows around my index fingers.

"Do I have you here?" She asked, using the index and middle finger to tap the side of her head.

I nodded. "All yours. I promise."

My baby bit her bottom lip, looking contemplative.

"Let me shower first, okay?"


She kicked her loafers off and I watched hungrily as she undressed down to her red lace underwear. The sight of her beauty had me ready to go and I hadn't even felt her yet. I watched her until she disappeared. Fuck. I was the luckiest woman alive. I had the woman I'd be dying for, craving, and I almost screwed up.

When she returned, she was naked. I wanted time to slow down so I could really appreciate the view, appreciate that I got to have her, appreciate that I got to love her, and make her happy.

"I'm sorry," I said.

She climbed on the bed and crawled on top of me. Her lips attached to mine immediately, all anger forgotten. We moaned, which said a lot about how we felt and how much we did in fact miss each other. It was fiery and intense. I felt like she was trying to mold our mouths together as she nipped and sucked on my lips. She opened her mouth to capture my lips again and I slipped my tongue between her parted lips.

"I don't like when you're stressed," was her response as her lips ghosted over my throat. "I hate when you can't get a good night sleep. Sometimes I really do hate how much you care about people. It wears you down."

"I know."

She stopped and looked into my eyes. "But that's who you are and that's one reason I fell for you. I love you, for who you are and so much more. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. I was only trying to help."

"I know. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I love you, too."

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