Can I sleep with you?

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Picture on the side is Adrienne 

            As soon as I packed my bags, I changed into a pair of light blue jeans shorts, a black see thru top with lace bra underneath and a pair of dark purple suede wedges that has lace in them. They’re pretty sexy. It was a little chilly but I can handle it for now. I grabbed my bags in my hand and throw them over the backseat of my BMW M6 Convertible. After that, I went back into my apartment to grab my dark purple cross-bag that matched my shoes. I made sure I had all my valuables, like my wallet and such.

            I groaned as I sat in my car. Freaking Adrienne. Whether she kissed me by accident or on purposed she still kissed me and now I want her more. And it’s scary because I don’t just want her for a good time. I want her for me and only me. This is fucked. The one girl that has me wrapped around her fingers isn’t even available.

            I put the top convertible top down and cranked the radio up. Frank Ocean’s Swim Good started playing and I turned it up a little. My heart wasn’t broken but I felt like I could use a good swim to escape right now.

            The sky had just started to get a beautiful fiery shade, it was beautiful and I know despite my down mood I would enjoy my time at the house to some extent. I groaned once more remembering that I’m going to be all by myself, alone with my thoughts, to think about Adrienne. With those long legs, that intense stare, that gorgeous smile and that beautiful laugh of hers. God, I love it when she laughs.

            I exited the highway and made my way to the local grocery store. I bought a shitload of a lot of stuff from, meat to snacks to drinks to fruits. I press the button to open the gates and drive in. It took me forever to get the stuff out of the car and get settled in.

            Two days had pass and I was starting to forget about Adrienne when her name popped up on my phone. I let it rang out because I didn’t know what to say to her. A few minutes had pass and I was glad she wasn’t—ah crap.

            “Hello?” I heard a sniffle. “Adrienne?” Sniffle again. “Adrienne?”

            “Hey, Olivia” oh my god, she’s crying.

            “What’s the matter?”

            “Um, Danni and I broke up. I was wondering if I could stay at your place since you’re not here. It’ll only take me some time to find a new place” You asshole, she’s crying don’t be happy right now.

            “What happened? Did she do something?”

            “No, it’s me. Um, I did something”

            Oh no! “Adrienne that was just a little peck it wasn’t even a real kiss and it was by accident”

            She cleared her throat. “I know. About your place…”

            “Are you sure you want to be alone?”

            I heard her sniffle once more. “I don’t”

            “Tell me where you are, I’m coming to get you”

            “No! It’s a long drive I don’t mind being alone if I have to”

            “Adrienne?” I said calmly as I grabbed my keys and locked the front door.


            “Tell me where you are I said I’m coming to get you”

            “I’m out side the apartment, 1045 Sterling Drive”

            “In the meantime, there’s a coffee shop two blocks from there. I’ll pick you up there as soon as I can. Okay?” I was met with silence for couple seconds.


            “Good.” I was about to hang up when she said my name softly. Even though it wasn’t an appropriate time it sent a pleasant shiver down my spine to hear her say my name like that.

            “Thanks for doing this. It means a lot to me and for you to just—”

            “Anything for you, love,” I said cutting her off. I knew where this was going and I didn’t want her feeling worst than she already felt. “I’ll see you in a few.” She mumbled an okay before we cut the call.

            On the drive there I couldn’t help but be perplexed by the idea that they broke up because of that one little—I can’t even call it kiss because it wasn’t. And the other thing is why would Adrienne tell her girlfriend something so insignificant. I hope this isn’t my fault.  Ha, so now you care that you’re not thinking with your lustful brain, my conscious chided me.

            “Oh fuck off!” I shouted at it. The rest of the drive consisted of me arguing with myself. When I got to the coffee shop I saw Adrienne staring out of space and trailing her index finger around the rim of mug. There’s never parking in the city so I double-parked—thought it’s illegal—and went inside. When Adrienne saw me she gave me a genuine smile. It didn’t look fake or forced. I raised a brow at her sudden change of mood. Her face look flustered and her eyes were red so it’s strange that she was smiling at me.

            “Don’t mind me it’s just…it’s good to see you”

            I hugged her and whispered that it was good to see her too and it really was. I hadn’t realized how much I missed her until now. It seems like we were there staring at each for a long time then someone asked to be excused and we snapped out of it. She only had two bags with her and we took them to my car.

            The drive home was quiet. I couldn’t say what I really wanted to say to her. What I really wanted to say was something along the lines of “Adrienne, you make me p*ssy so wet. Can I take you to bed so we can take turns making each other scream until we lose our voices?”

            This is fucking torture. I can’t be thinking like this. She just broke up with her girlfriend she’s going to need time.


            We settled in and I showed Adrienne to the room where she’d be staying. I slipped out of my clothes leaving my underwear and just put on a black tank top. Even though it was raining and thundering heavily it was still a nice temperature inside. My phone vibrated on the nightstand alerting me I had a text. It was Adrienne.

            Can I come sleep with you? I’m kind of scared of the storm.

            I chuckled before respond. Sure. Exit your room, make a left then another left and I’m at the end of the hall.

            K. Coming. “I wish you were,” I mumbled to myself. Moments later I heard a knock on the door. I told her to come in. The lightening flash and I saw she was wearing a long white t-shirt and I’m not sure if she had anything underneath it. For my sanity and obedience I hope she did. The lightening flash again and she jetted for the bed. I couldn’t help but laugh.

            “That’s not funny, Olivia,” she hissed and I just shrugged. “Thank you”

            “You’re welcome”

            “Not just for this but for everything”

            “I know, like I said, anything for you”. We laid there in silence, with every sound of the thunder and every flash of lightening I felt Adrienne flinch. I didn’t want her to be scared anymore so I pulled her into my arms. She didn’t say anything but wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her. “What did you do that caused you and your girlfriend to break up?”

            “She was eating me out and when I orgasm I screamed your name instead of hers”. Oh my fuck! 

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