A Gift from the Past (Christmas special) (bl)

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Alex sat on his couch, staring at the photo in his hand. He couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the boy in the picture, even though he had never seen him before. The photo had arrived in the mail that morning, with no return address or note.

Alex had tried to brush it off as a weird coincidence, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it. As he gazed at the boy's bright blue eyes and tousled blonde hair, he felt a sense of familiarity wash over him. It was as if he had known this boy in another life.

As the days passed, Alex couldn't get the photo out of his head. He started doing some research and discovered that the boy in the photo had lived in the same city as him, over a hundred years ago. Alex's curiosity only grew as he delved deeper into the mystery, trying to find any information he could about the boy's life.

One evening, as Alex was going through old records at the library, he came across an old diary. As he read through the pages, he realized that the diary belonged to the boy in the photo. Alex couldn't believe what he was reading - the diary detailed the boy's life and his love for another boy, a love that had spanned multiple lifetimes.

Alex was shocked and overwhelmed by the revelation. He had always felt like he was searching for something, and now he knew what it was - the love that he and the boy in the photo, whose name was Jayden, had shared in their past lives. As he read on, he learned that they had died together in each of their past lives, always in tragic circumstances. In one life, they had been separated by war and died of heartbreak. In another, they had been burned at the stake for their love. And in yet another, they had drowned at sea, holding on to each other until their last breath.

As Christmas approached, Alex found himself thinking about Jayden from the past more and more. He couldn't wait for the day when they would finally be reunited in this life.

On Christmas Eve, Alex received another package in the mail. Inside was a letter from Jayden, who had finally found Alex after searching for him for so long. The letter explained that he had been reincarnated and was living in the same city as Alex.

Alex couldn't believe it - after all these years, he was finally going to meet the love of his life. He rushed to the address given in the letter, his heart racing with excitement and anticipation.

When he arrived, he saw Jayden standing in front of him, looking exactly as he had in the photo all those years ago. They locked eyes and both knew, without a doubt, that they had finally found each other again.

As they embraced, Alex felt a warmth and love that he had never known before. He knew that, no matter what life threw their way, they would always find their way back to each other.

"Merry Christmas," Jayden whispered, as they stood together under the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree.

Alex smiled and replied, "Merry Christmas, my love. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life."

As they stood there, wrapped up in each other's embrace, Adam couldn't help but wonder about all the lives they had lived together. He knew that their love was eternal, transcending time and space. He vowed to never let go of this love, no matter how many lives they go through

The end.

Word count:610

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