Reincarnated Gods: The Romance of Sol and Luna (bl)

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As the sun and the moon rose and set in the sky, two lovers watched on from the afterlife. They had died together, but now they stood before God, seeking answers.

"Why did we have to die?" they asked.

God looked upon them with sorrow. "I made a mistake that cost you your lives. I am deeply sorry."

"What can be done to make things right?" the lovers pleaded.

God thought for a moment, and then nodded. "I will give you both a second chance. I will reincarnate you into another world, where you will be the children of gods. When your mothers retire or pass away, you will become the new sun and moon gods, just as you were in your previous life."

The lovers were overjoyed at this news, and they thanked God profusely.

As they were reincarnated into the new world, they were unaware of each other's existence. Sol, the sun god's son, was born to Helios, the sun god, and Luna, the moon goddess's son, was born to Selene, the moon goddess. Their parents were mortal enemies, and so the two boys were forbidden from seeing each other.

But they couldn't stay away from each other. As they grew older, they found ways to secretly meet and hang out, always careful to avoid detection. They became the best of friends, and as they reached the age of 1800, they knew that they were meant to be together.

"I can't wait until we can be together openly," Sol said to Luna as they sat on a hill, watching the sunset.

"Me neither," Luna replied, leaning his head on his shoulder. "But our parents are still mortal enemies. We have to be careful."

When their parents retired, Sol and Luna became the new sun and moon gods, just as God had promised. They were overjoyed to finally be able to be together openly, and they shared their first kiss as gods.

But Sol's powers were still new to him, and he accidentally hurt Luna while they were kissing.

"I'm so sorry," Sol said, tears streaming down his face. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Luna winced in pain, but he didn't blame Sol. "It's okay. I know you didn't mean it."

Terrified that he had hurt the one he loved, Sol ran away, avoiding Luna at all costs.

Luna was heartbroken, and he confided in his mother about his secret meetings with Helios.

"Why did you keep this from me?" Selene asked, her voice full of disappointment.

"I didn't want to disappoint you," Luna said, tears welling up in his eyes. "I love him."

Selene's heart softened at the sight of her son's pain. "I understand now. I'm sorry I was angry with you."

Meanwhile, Sol cried to his father, confessing everything he had done.

"I'm so sorry, father," Sol said, his voice shaking. "I didn't mean to hurt him."

To his surprise, Helios didn't care that he had fallen in love with his enemy. Instead, he helped his son learn to control his powers, so that he would never hurt Luna again.

Finally, with his powers under control, Sol returned to Luna, apologizing for his actions and declaring his love once more.

"I'm sorry for running away," Sol said, tears streaming down his face. "I was scared that I would hurt you again. But I love you, and I want to spend the rest of eternity with you."

Luna looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I forgive you. I love you too, and I don't want to be without you."

They hugged each other tightly, relieved to be reunited and in love once more.

They were married in a beautiful ceremony, with the sun and the moon shining brightly in the sky. As they exchanged vows, they knew that they would never be apart again.

As the sun and moon shone in the sky, a new goddess was born - the goddess of the eclipse, the child of Sol and Luna. She was a symbol of their love and the unity between their two families.

And so, Sol and Luna ruled together, happy and in love, for all eternity. They watched over the world, bringing light and beauty to all who lived there.

Their love was strong enough to withstand any challenge, and they knew that they would always be together, no matter what the future held.

The end

Word count:736

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