Chapter 11 - The First Tournament

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"EHH?! What do you mean our tournaments are in the same week?!" Eiji cried out, pouting. "I wanted you to come to my matches-nya!"

"It's not like I can skip my matches, Eiji-kun," Yasuko calmly replied, texting back in the groupchat that the girls made.

Eiji continued to childishly pout, slumping over on her desk while Inui wrote down something in his notebook. Ōishi sweatdropped, looking apologetic about his friend's behavior.

"It does suck that we won't be able to support each other at the games," Ōishi admitted, continuing his lunch. "But we can always record the matches or talk about them after."

Inui nodded. "I will be taking notes and gathering data with recordings."

"The tournament should have recordings of the matches, but I'll double check on the website. If they don't then I'll ask Coach Hirawasa to record them," Yasuko responded, handing Eiji a pocket stick to which he didn't even move, just opening his mouth and eating it, still pouting.

"Do you know who you're playing first, Sakusa?" Inui asked and the girl shook her head.

"The brackets aren't out yet, so we won't know until we actually arrive at the gym venue," the ravenhead answered, eating her onigiri. "However, we can narrow down what teams will be there since it's only the Tokyo teams and we can guess where they will be placed due to last year's tournament rankings. What about you guys?"

"Same. But there are some unseeded teams this year, so it might be difficult to guess who will play who," Ōishi revealed. "Also, Eiji, stop pouting already and eat your food before it gets cold."


Yasuko let out a sigh at the usual energetic boy's grim demeanor. "Eiji-kun," she said softly. "I'll see what I can do to go see one of your matches. If I have time between matches or if we finish for the day, I'll try to come."

That made the boy perk up. "Really-nya?!"

"No promises, but I'll try. Now eat your food."

"Yay!" Eiji cheered and began to happily eat his meal.

Inui, Ōishi, and Yasuko all shared looks of tired parents, before shaking their heads with small smiles and also continued eating.

The next few days were calm. Everyone was busy with their practices, focusing on the upcoming tournaments and matches.

The District Prelims for the Tokyo Prefecture Tournament was coming up for the Seigaku tennis teams and while that was happening, the girl's volleyball club were participating in the Tokyo Junior High Athletics Meet where all Tokyo volleyball clubs would be participating in.

"Wow... so many strong competitors are here this year," Inuka commented before a sly smirk made it onto her face. "I'm itching to play now that I'm back."

"We're glad that you recovered in time," Kobuyasu replied, smiling slightly. "We will definitely make it further this time rather than getting out in the second round."

Yasako looked around, hands in her pockets with her bag slung over her shoulder, mumbling under her breath behind the mask. "It's too crowded."

"Don't mind Sakusa-san!" Seiyūro went to pat her back but the taller girl dodged.

"Seiyūro-san you need to get used to not touching Sakusa-senpai," Neri pointed out and the girl pouted.

Dō looked up at the tournament sheet hanging on the wall as Geri held back Hana from running around like crazy. "Looks like we will be playing against Fudomine first," she hummed. "I believe last time they made it to the third round before getting defeated by Rikkai."

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