Subaru's bio

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Nexus file number 926480

Subject Name: Natsuki Subaru

Subject status: active

Subject health: healthy

Subjects likes: Wild West, guns, money, bounty hunting, his family, horses, harem, friends, kids, cooking, parents and comrades

Subjects dislikes: vampires, werewolves, bandits, villains, cults, gangs, comrades old friends and family, Sanford, Deimos, bullies, egoistic assholes, rich assholes

Subject HATES: nezu, HANK, u.a, rapist, pedophiles, simps, jammed guns, broken guns, when a bounty escapes, when dynamite doesn't explode, plague doctor's

Subject class: Lieutenant

Subject was trained in quick reloading weapons, hunting, surviving different environments, stealth hand to hand combat, run and gun and fear tactics

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Subject was trained in quick reloading weapons, hunting, surviving different environments, stealth hand to hand combat, run and gun and fear tactics

Subject never went back to school because he felt like u.a made it their personal mission for him to hate it there and they did he hated everyone there especially katsuki and Sato then he was expelled because of false evidence from none other than Emilia then he got jumped by Katsuki's crew losing his eye in the process after that he met Makoto who introduced him to the nexus project where he learned and mastered his class

Subjects learned how to ricochet with his bullets very dangerous

Subject has multiple pets

Subject participates in rodeo's from time to time

Subject is also a master gambler

Subject also learned deadeye but would rather use his own powers

Subject has his own barbecue recipe that only he and the alpha of the harem (his wife) knows about

Subject once rod a werewolf until the sun rose then killed it

Subject once punched a witch in the face then threw her in her own cauldron

Subject has a weird obsession with hats just like subject 772189

Subjects looks

Subjects looks

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