A normal break day

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We see the squad in the lounge just doing their own thing Izuku sleeping on the couch tanjiro polishing his gun Makoto sharpening his blade and issei on the phone with his younger brother Tony

Issei: tony I don't know if I can come and pick you up from school you know I got work to do

Tony: come on issei please you never spend time with us ever since you got a Job

Issei: (because I'm protecting you and the family) I know and I'm sorry but listen if I don't have anything to do I'll come get you and the others ok

Tony: ok and also some girl in red hair is always talking to Millicas about something I don't know what tho

Issei: (that bitch needs to stay the fuck away from him he made his choice to stay with me unlike her and her fuck ass peerage) ok if I see her I'll talk to her

Tony: thanks bro see you in a few hours

Issei: I hope so and if I can't you know who to call

Tony: yeah yeah call mom or dad or your girlfriend i know

Issei: good bye bro *hangs up and sighs* being a brother is surprisingly harder than being a commander

Tanjiro: why do you say that

Issei: I mean on one hand I'm a brother of five and on the other hand I'm a commando killing the enemies of the nexus it's hard being both at times and besides don't you miss your siblings tanjiro

Tanjiro: of course I do I can't help but worry about them I hope their ok

Izuku: *grunt* (same I'm worried about Eri and kota) 😞😞

Makoto: yeah I miss the warriors but I know that Chiaki is looking after them

Tanjiro: how do you know

Makoto: ever heard of a hacking

Tanjiro: hehe and you say I'm fucking crazy

Makoto: you still are

The squad are enjoying themselves minding their own business until the door gets kicked off the hinges to reveal three angry looking women scaring Izuku, tanjiro, and Makoto

???: Izuku you promised me a date today and I will not be set up again because of your work understand

Izuku: 😨😨😨 👍

???: good

???: same goes for you too Makoto do I make myself clear

Makoto: o-ok ( how the fuck did they get in here)

???: tanjiro you me date now

Tanjiro: but what about work


Tanjiro: OK you don't have to shout at me

Issei: ha wouldn't let that shit happen to me tho

???: are you sure about that issei

Issei: oh shit😨

Tanjiro: wait how did y'all get in here anyway

???: oh your mom let us in

Izuku/tanjiro/Makoto: WHAT, MOM WHY *grunts*

Beatrice: *on the intercom* you boys need time to yourselves so today is a break day

Nexus Squad: REALLY 🤩🤩🤩

Beatrice: yep now get out there and have fun

???: now that you don't have any work to do let's go pick up my pups

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