Makoto's bio

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Nexus file number 237759

Subject name makoto songbird formerly known as Makoto Naegi

Subject status: active

Subject health: healthy

Subjects likes: comrades,nexus soldiers, his blades mag agents, mother, harem, weapons, hawks, when a plan comes together

Subjects dislikes: villains, cowards, traitors, gangs, genestealer cults, chaos cult, junko, mukuro, Tsumugi, comrades old friends, sanford,Deimos

Subject HATES: akane, komaru,rapist, class128, sayaka, kyoko, pedophiles, family, nezu, u.a, HANK

Subject class: soldat

Subject used to go by the name Makoto naegi but was banished now goes by the name Makoto songbird

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Subject used to go by the name Makoto naegi but was banished now goes by the name Makoto songbird

Subject has undergone the soldat training and can command almost any regiment of soldiers from grunts to mag agents

Subject lost his eye in a past incident so now he where's an eyepatch when in formal clothes

Subject is usually a calm person but piss him off it'll be hell to pay

Subject commands a squadron of mag agents called the black hawks

Subject has trained in the way of the sword and is now a master

Subject can use any gun at his disposal but great with sniper rifles and assault rifles

Subject is a very strategic person

Subject once bashed a kroots skull in with the back of a shotgun

Subject does not play on mission's can get very serious and will want others to as well

Subject is great in hand to hand combat and with knives

Subject always hated school he just never really showed it

Subjects new look

Subjects new look

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