Systematic assassination

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We go to the realm of darkness where we see Salem sitting on her throne while on the phone with shigaraki

Salem: so let me get this straight you want me to send some Grimm to your aid to attack the upcoming school festival

Shigaraki: yes

Salem: ok but what do I get out of this

Shigaraki: if the attack goes smoothly then you won't have to worry about those specific beacon students messing your plans up anymore

Salem: hmm you make a good point but what if the plan fails then what will you do

Shigaraki: I will figure that out if the time comes for it

Salem: so you don't have a plan then

Shigaraki: of course I do

Salem: ok then 😒

Then the door to Salems throne room opens to reveal three people as they bow in front of her

Salem: I'll talk later I have to go

Shigaraki: but what about the gri-

Salem hangs up on shigaraki and looks down at the three individuals

Salem: some of you might know why I called you in today

Tyrian: of course it's to take someone's life away

Salem: correct you three Tyrian, Adam and tock will hunt and kill the three nexus soldiers known as the soldat, the demolitionist, and the juggernaut

Tock: sounds like easy pickings to me miss where can I find them

Salem: careful now tock these are no ordinary soldiers these ones were trained to kill people like us they specialize in what they're good at

Adam: rest assured it shall be done ma'am

Salem: we will see then now go the sooner the better go through the Grimm portals you'll get there faster

As The three assassins walk through the portals out of Salems throne room as she calls out her seer to get a Birds Eye view

As The three assassins walk through the portals out of Salems throne room as she calls out her seer to get a Birds Eye view

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Salem: let's see how this plays out shall we

Salem looks through the seer and sees Adam on a rooftop searching around the city for one of them

Adam: (ok if I were a soldier where would I be)

Adam continues to jump from rooftop to rooftop until his eye lands on someone

Adam: (Blake what's she doing here by herself) I might have to hold on finding those soldier guys

Salem: (oh my fucking god not this shit again)

Adam jumps down into an alleyway and watches Blake go into a coffee shop while still hiding in the alleyway

Adam: the hell why is she in a coffee shop Blake doesn't like coffee who is she waiting on

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