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I glanced over as a light was shone at me, I saw Charles and began to run for it.

"Should've listened to dad!" I kept telling my self, I kept running and suddenly tripped on a rock. I tumbled down and knew it was the end of it.

I closed my eyes shut but felt nothing, I only heard panting from both me and Charles. I opened one eye and he was staring down at me. "I'll spare ya. Only if you do me a favor." He grinned.

I didn't answer him. "If you gather up these little mortals at the temple, I'd gladly spare you. Only for a little while though." He spoke, I hesitated, my throat felt clutched and I felt like I couldn't speak.

I only nodded, he grins more but then frowns. "If you warn anyone, or even betray me. I will not hunt for you. I will not look for you. I will find you and I will eat you." Charles threatened. I just stared up at him in fear, not moving besides shivering.

Candice came in and shot him in the shoulder, he grunted and scurried away quickly. "Y/N!" She came running towards me, "Y/N are you okay!? He didn't bite you or hurt you did he!?" She checked me and then helped me up, into her home.

"You've really got to relax... Did he hurt you or anything?" I just shook my head. "Oh how lucky you are that I got there!" She exclaimed. I remained silent thinking about the offer. "..I- I sure am..."

"You're father will have quite the emotions once he hears about this." She said, "Don't tell him!" I panicked. "Just please! Do not tell him. I don't want him to worry."

Candice looked at me and sighed, "Well alright. Are you hungry?" I nodded. "After my soul jumping out of me, yeah."

She hummed and she went into the kitchen and handed me some (F/F), "Oh what a coincidence, my favorite.." I smiled and ate with hesitation.

For a moment my mind was free from such fear I felt, but then it plopped back into my head. I didn't know if it was safe for me to tell Candice about what he offered to me.

I decided not too though, for the better. "..Y/N?" I looked up from the food. "Why did he hesitate?" I blinked, "I.. Really don't know why..." He hesitated?.. He hesitated! But he didn't when it was Eugene!

She stares, "Let's not think about it for now."  I nod. "..What if.. he recognized me as my father's well.. kid?" "Well how would he know? You do look like your father but Charles only appeared as an issue not long ago." I then thought it was just luck.

Some hours passed by and it looked like it was getting late. "..Er.. Can we go looking for my dad?.." I began to get worried.

"It's much more dangerous in the night dearie, but I'm sure he's okay." I hummed and looked down, twiddling my thumbs. My worry became anxiety.

Candice took notice and grabbed my shoulder. "Maybe you should get some rest, for the better." I sighed and agreed, but I still couldn't sleep. It was stressful. I felt so much.

I relaxed myself as much as I could, soon then fell into slumber. I woke up the next morning. It was still grey skies and quite foggy.

I sat up and just asked Candice if my father returned. She said no and still stood to her answer of not searching for him.

She explained how he was very busy on the tracks and even might've stayed up. I looked outside and saw it raining.

I wanted- No I NEEDED to get out of here. Who knows what's my father going through. I looked over and she was nowhere, I took it the chance to run out and search for my father.

So I did, I was running through the pouring rain, along the tracks.

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