ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ.. ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀ?

416 19 4

Dad stopped the train as Charles stopped chasing it, his grasp getting a little tight on me. "What are you doing with them!?" He yelled at Charles. "Nothing. Just saved them from you running them over and then.." Charles stopped speaking and then grinned.

"Magical things happened." he then answered, I blinked and dad looked at me raising an eyebrow. I shook my head quickly. He then looked back at Charles. "Uh huh. Hand them over to me now."

"Hmmm..." Charles looked down at me, his grin turning to a frown. He just put me down and he then crawled away. "Perhaps another time, I'll take you." He spoke into my ear before doing so.

Such a feeling made me feel flushed, Dad then pulled me into the train. "So.."He sayed awkwardly.

The train was moving ahead. "Did he-" "He didn't really hurt me or anything.. He brought me food though so I don't starve."

"..This is going to be a difficult job for me." I lifted my head up, looking at him. "Pardon?" "Y/N, we came here to kill him and take him to the museum." Dad looked at me.

"Do we have to kill him?.." "Do you want us to get arrested for having a living monster in our own building?" I pout.

"..He saved me though." He sighs, "..Look I'll.." A sound of a bullet hitting metal rang through our ears. "The cultists! Dad go kick their asses, I'll keep an eye up front!" I say, dad nods.

He went to the back and began shooting at the cultists. Some of them got wounded, others killed. Luckily they retreated, I pulled the brakes and phewed.

"..Try to at least find a way. A way where he won't hurt us, and we won't hurt him." I hopped off the train. "I'll just wander around the island, carefully as I can." I turned to him.

Father looked down at me and sighs, "You're not a kid anymore. I keep forgetting that. Take care and stay out of trouble." He gave a small smile, I gave one in return.

"I'll see you at the docks then!" He yelled as the train began to move forward. "Okay!" I yelled back.

Finally I can freely wander around! With Charles not having the want to kill me, I'll be safe!

So I wandered around, nearly got caught by some cultists and encountered a weird ghost. My thoughts then went to Eugene. Paul's dad.

It was sad to see him die, it'll be sadder if anyone figured out, especially Paul. I returned to where Eugene was, but it turned out he disappeared.

It worried me but I relaxed. Charles might've taken him or just he someomhow decomposed? No, it takes some time for a body to-

I noticed the flower we left with him. A trail of dark red. Should I follow it or not? Psshh, of course I shouldn't... I'll get ki-

I followed the trail. My brain started screaming to stop, go back and to keep going. So I keep going. I then just see it leading to a tunnel, that is where I DON'T keep going and turn back.

I walk back and then see a cultist from the distance, I get behind a tree and spy on them, another one came in and handed them some kind of bag.

"ARE YOU GUYS DOING DRUGS!?" I yelled from across. "NO!" the other yelled back. "IT'S JUST FOOD! I SWEAR!" Another yelled. "OH OKAY!" I answered, than I ran off.

They then began to chase me after a minute or so. I didn't look behind myself as I heard the chugging of a train and some pattering, a gunshot was heard along with a drop. Another was fired and followed with it was another plop.

The pattering stop, the screeching of brakes began and yet there was some panting, I looked behind myself to see Charles, dad catching up.

"Damn, you two work like a team." I complimented them, they glanced at each other and shrug. Charles picked up the corpses and turned around eating them whole, spitting out the two bullets.

"Bleh." He said, he turned back around. we stared at each other in silence for a moment. I then just whistled. "Soo... Dad about this whole thing of Charles and Aranearum."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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