Updates & Art Ideas For The New Year

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So, I posted a couple things on my board about how we won't be moving to Missouri until February or March yesterday. This means we'll be saving up to move everything out of the apartment with the help of a couple movers. I will be taking a break from college for now since the main reason we were trying to move was due to my mom's health. She may have an early form of leukemia and she has a bad knee which means she'll need extra help. If I'm not bogged down with college, I can easily help as well as my aunt and uncle. This also means she won't be able to do her dream job. She can still get education for it but, she'll have to take a more remote job to keep a steady flow of income coming in.

Now that that's out of the way, I may also have a little more time to hang out here and update my books if I'm not working. Once we move out there, I'll start with a simple desk job since they have a tow company and need office staff. After that, I can work my way up to a different job and maybe look into programs to help get me into the field I wanna work in.

I guess that's all I have to say for now. Hope you guys are having a good weekend and fun holidays! I'll probably post my Christmas haul in January. Most of our gifts were sent to our uncle's place so, they'll ship everything here for us.

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