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My eyes fluttered open and when I looked around the room, I realized that I didn't recognize where I was. I heard footsteps and closed my eyes to make the person think I was still asleep but he already knew I was awake.

"Miss Tarrant, I KNOW you are awake. I noticed the change in your breathing," Professor Snape informed me.


"Why what?"

"Why did you save me, Professor?"

"You are my responsibility as I am your head of house."

"I didn't need to be saved."

"Stop this nonsense now, Child! Everyone needs to be saved every once in awhile."

I didn't know why my Potions Professor was being nice to me all of a sudden and I didn't like it. I had wished that he had let me die in the bathroom with Myrtle. We could have shared it, I know Myrtle wouldn't have cared much. Snape was usually cold and sarcastic toward everyone but tonight he was being quite civil instead.

"Sir, how long have a been here? I should probably get back to my dormitory."

"You've been here in my chambers for 2 days. Dumbledore and your other professors know that I found you on death's door in the prefect's bathroom."

Great! The whole school knows what I did to myself. I think I’ll finish this year and then crawl in some corner of the world to never be heard from again. I had forgotten that Snape was a Legilimens until he spoke.

"You will no such thing as I need a potions assistant and Dumbledore has chosen you to start to train under me right after graduation."

Did he just read...

Your mind, Miss Tarrant? Yes I did.

"You're a Legilmens?"

"Yes, indeed, I am."

"Can you teach me how to read minds?"

"Not everyone can read minds, so no!"

"Why? I'm a fast learner!"

"I don't care because I know you're a fast learner. I'm not teaching you because I don't trust you right now. You lost my trust when you decided to be so reckless."

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