Trust Issues

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Snape wanted to see me this morning to go over a few new rules. I'm not looking forward to it because he will put too many restrictions on me. I've always been someone who bends the rules to suit me.

I went to his office and knocked on the door. I was missing my first class for this so I hope he doesn't punish me too severely. I love potions so I've always been on my best behavior in his classes and his detentions were brutal if you crossed him so I never did until NOW!

"Come," he said in his usual tone.

I open the door and greet him, "Hi Professor."

"Miss Tarrant, please sit. Would you like a tea? Apple Cinnamon as per usual?"

"No, thank you. No tea today."

He makes himself a tea and sits across from me. I'm nervous so I swing my legs under my chair as my feet don't touch the floor. Yes, I'm short and only 4'9.

"Nervous, my dear? Well, you should be! These rules will be adhered to or you will be expelled and the headmaster agrees with me!"

"Professor, can use the toilet before you go over these, I'm feeling a little queasy."

He motions to the door and I get up throw my hand over my mouth and bolt to the girls toilet down the hall. I didn't even realize that it was Mrytle's bathroom until I was in a stall hyperventilating.

"M..M..Myrtle please go get Professor Snape. I can't breathe!," I say between breaths.

It seems like forever before I hear fast footsteps approaching. At this point, I'm hugging my legs and rocking back and forth.

"Daria!" I hear as Professor Snape comes into view, "Why didn't you tell me it was because you felt a panic attack came on. I could have grabbed you a draught of peace potion from my storage closet."

"I felt sick until I got here and was why I asked to be excused!" I said still struggling to catch my breath.

"Deep Breath in...1...2...3...4, exhale...1...2...3...4...5. AGAIN!"

I start to breathe normally and he guides me back to his office and sits me in a chair before he disappears through another door on the opposite wall. I suspect it's his storage closet because he come back shortly after with a vial.

"Here. Drink!"

I drink it in one swallow but cough because it's so strong.

"It's my own variation of the potion so it's quite strong. Now besides the 10 school rules I added 4 that will apply to just me as your head of house."

"Professor, I'm truly sorry for the other night. I had just had an awful holiday with my parents and wasn't thinking straight."

"That's still no excuse for scaring me half to death! Rule 1: You will have detention with me for the rest of the year every night at 7:00pm and you have lost your Prefect status until I can trust you again. Rule 2: You will have a therapy session with me every Friday. Rule 3: If you ever feel like you did, you are to find me straight away no matter if it's 3am on a Sunday. If you can't find me or get to me, you are to go to the hospital wing and talk to Madame Pomfrey. She will keep you there until you can chat with me. Rule 4: I will check your wrists every week during our therapy sessions to make sure you haven't self-harmed. Is this understood?"

I nod but I guess that wasn't good enough for him. He asked me to use my words so I told him yes and got up to leave. He informed me that I had missed second class as well and that the bell was about to ring for break. I nodded and left his office. I returned to my dorm and laid down, I was beginning to get sleepy. I yawned and covered up in my blankets and fell asleep.

A/N: sorry about the edit but I thought that I should add the last rule instead of it being implied.

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