I am still yours

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You saw me with a new boy a few weeks after you decided we didn't fit anymore
You pulled me aside to "talk"
And I let you
You screamed in my face that you couldn't believe I moved on so quickly
Here's what I told you:
What did you want me to do, mourn your loss? You broke up with me, don't vilify me for finding someone else when you were the one who told me it was over
I'm not yours anymore
Here's what I didn't tell you:
I didn't fucking move on
I met someone new
But I didn't move on
you're still there In the back on my mind
I would never give you the satisfaction of knowing this but
I almost say your name when I'm trying to get his attention from across my apartment
I sometimes think about you while he's fucking me in your favorite positions
I still have the hearts by your name even though your number is blocked and I don't know how to delete them
That I think I still am yours and I hate it

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