Bloody Tolerance

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Chapter 1: Bloody Tolerance


I thought living life was as easy as breathing but that is not true; it's only an illusion where people say those things through their teeth to make you feel the need to live life to the fullest and never do anything to disrupt those chances by fighting for survival. Be it as it may, what good was advice when you were already dead? Living life to the fullest and fighting for survival were sound advice when you needed things to keep you going, but did nothing for you if wanted to give up and end it all.

For Hybrid Vampires this was not optional. We were already "the living dead". We did not own the title to "Life" which meant instead that we roamed the land soulless. You could actually say we were inhuman, a monstrous being of nature, something of god's creation that was never meant to exist and live among the living. From behind the lenses of my eyes, we witnessed god's children walking the streets, doing their daily chores and relishing mortality because they were normal and human. More importantly it was because they were not punished. They were people who were cared for by the Almighty thumb of God and therefore God would prosper His members because they were entitled. People looked at Him in awe and revered Him. Because those normal people were not like us...mistakes.We being outcasts, We being soulless creatures, never to exist...we were dead. However,because we showed so much bright promise..we were very much dead but at the same time very much alive.

In the eyes of a Hybrid Vampire, you have to do things that would entertain yourself and make life worthy for your own existence. Even if life or your surroundings hated you, it couldn't do anything about it because wind would rustle your hair, the rain would only cool your body into submission, fire would blaze to bring warmth and the ground where you touched bare skin would skim through your fingers.

There would be tales of how Vampires were loveless creatures, hated and adored at the same time because of their unspeakable beauty. With talons of claws, deep red eyes and long fanged creatures, they stalked the night taking their victims in their wake and not caring of any victim they might approach.

I had to disagree with these tales. We loved passionately when being a Vampire. Furthermore when love came across in our futures, it would come across tenfold like the blazing sun that stalked up from the horizon to welcome us with its rays. We protected our loved ones instinctively but just like a simmering sunset, we also had our flaws. For I had to also agree with the tales of us being loveless creatures because we were deadly...we did torture, we did hunt and in the end we were predators that killed.

I killed when I decided to; I played with my victims and got away with sending my enemies to see the eyes of their awaiting Hell for their past aggressions as they took their last breath in my arms. I am sure when my time comes, Hell will indeed meet with me and the life I once had I would unfortunately have to say "Adieu" because I would be entering Deaths door.

Like when I had to say "Adieu" to my soul mate after they murdered him by putting him on the Hit-list as one of their targets, the Blackened Sacrifice, the organization owned up to their title as they sacrificed their members to take down their targets. The targets they believed to be monsters, evil spawns and diseases in their world.

That being Us.

But they were wrong to take him away from me, Asher, my soul mate. His sweet name being like sweet symphony to my lips but now, in the present, Asher's name is like an ash in a fire escape or the fireplace. Remnants of forgotten memories being the fire's soot as crimson bloody tears rained down my eyelids, me remembering the explosion, the merciful screams and ammo blasting from their guns as bodies fell like dominoes. Asher causing his own fall, creating his own fatal demise and for him self to risk everything for me...however in the end he was creating his own sacrifice.

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