Play the Girl, Play the Boy

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The base of the gun at the temple was steady, strong and sure. I smiled, "Your illness is spreading quicker and faster than usual, it will only get worse in the long run. You will only get worse and I know, the very you that I know wouldn't want that, you said it long ago, don't you remember; he smothered a whimper and shook his head. "Oh, you were very sane and always having a visual memory with sharp distinctions on locations and places, you told me yourself that you wouldn't want your illness to take advantage; I softly and gently patted his cheek. "You wouldn't want the smart and intelligent you to be clouded by the simple fact of your unfortunate illness."

Richard's eyes squeezed shut from my touch, "I fear death Ebony, I fear death,'' he whispered.

"Unfortunately,'' my voice was serene and solemn, "dying is the natural way of life.'' I shed one tear for him as he smiled, he SMILED while mouthing goodbye. Yes, this was truly a goodbye.

Goodbye Richard and for you, you be graced with sweet dreams unlike I.


At last my ammo was fired from my gun.


Chapter 4: Play the Girl, Play the Boy

'I killed him. I killed him. I had killed Richard.'

My breathing was ragged; I closed a hand over my mouth to stifle my quivering sounds behind my hand. I was closing in on my own despair, recalling Richard's dead frame collapsing on the floor and how I still smelt and witnessed his life-force pooling under my feet.

Richard's slack face with a nirvana of a grin, his face pale as he grew stiff and oblivious. Richard's black clothing contrasting with his skin, nevertheless the crimson of his blood brought color to the picture presenting itself of a black and white photo. A photo of a gray image of a corpse, Richard the corpse but stained with red making you focus on the blood released; freefalling on the floor. Richard's waste on the floor and in Richards's private room but that would be no more Richard's room...his existence would be no more.

The fluorescent lights blossoms a deathly red. Ebony just stared fixated at the lights as the wind picked up through the windows and caught her hair while the soft rain fell. Innocent drops of water touching her bare cheek, recognizing the neighborhood was quiet and it gave the impression that the neighborhood was sound asleep. Unlike the dark paneling containing myself in the hallway, it always dark and seemed to sing my despair as the quiet filled my abandoned soul.

'Would I ever have nice dreams ever again?' I questioned myself.

Hesitantly, I lifted my hands up, palm upward and stared dazed. These the same hands that held the gun, the gun that doomed Richard to die and leave his corpse behind as I was sure his spirit left the world. I once again alone, back on revolving towards my own thoughts. On what to do next with myself and my empty life, 'I wonder when Lissa will check out the inn?'' I asked myself again.

The water sprinkles came in not a moment soo soon. Fortunately ending the blazing fire that would have corrupted her bar, Thirsty Bombay Fantasy, and burn it to the ground. Ebony didn't want that.

'How much longer would Lissa notice the sticky note I left behind? How long would she open that door and walk in only to find the four spaced room thrown into a catastrophe? How long would Lissa take the full view of Richard, lifeless Richard on the floor staining her mopped floor to realize he was long gone?'

I needed a brighter picture, like the window that was framing the view; it had beautiful trees and colorful wildlife. The wildlife was shimmering with beauty from everywhere the moon's rays touched, the branches of trees like stretching fingers and weeds sprouting from the fresh green grass. It was peaceful, tranquil and something she hadn't come across in a very long time.

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