Running On, Running Hot

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I couldn't morph into a bat to fly because I already full well knew it was within the time of midnight: the Blackened Sacrifice, would detect me, locate my location and hunt me down. I was not taking the chance to alter myself to a mammal just because I wanted to hurry to my territory. I also kept in mind that it was better to be safe than sorry than to be dead.

There at the far corner of a secluded area, not a momment to soon was a stray and he was walking alone out of the, Thirsty Bombay Fantasy, building. Coming out exposed, out in the open and minding his own buisness. 

As for me, that stray and loaned boy was my ride home. Whether the boy realized it or not; I took off already stepping forward as I was already making my move on the parking lot. The boy however still was continuing, still preocupied while he busied himself unaware and nonchalantly walking towards his car.

Chapter 6: Running On, Running Hot

 The boy is strolling, his dinner in hand as he was holding a wrapped sandwich and greasy French fries in his grip; knowing from the aroma that I smelled. Yet the lean built boy had a gray hoody with an eagle logon at the front which hides his features underneath but he seems the type who would enjoy a good book. A good stroll in the park with him underneath a sunny day and casually watching a movie on the couch, to be truthful I have noticed that same figure before in the Thirsty Bombay Fantasy and he keeps to himself.

Nevertheless, considering his taste for black wear: dark shades, motorcycle boots and also a V-neckline shirt; I should have laid my eyes on him. Even more I should have concentrated on him to spend some good quality time with him. I never quiet paid attention to him before or even tried bothering to be bold to introduce myself to him.

Not until now.

I felt there was no reason when you would say "Hi" and afterward, "Goodbye,'' but as I ducked into the underbrush, seeing the aging cracks of the elms of the trees coming into focus and through the naked clarity; I wanted to learn him. I therefore was speeding my pace to set my plan into motion through the maze of green and despite my speed I could take in ever particle in the atmosphere and recognizing every innocent leaf on a branch.

Furthermore, the forest floor, I simply kicked the dirt aside while the soles of my shoes took the distance as the feathered touch of Mother Nature's creation touched the parts of my body that was bare and exposed. 

Hearing the sounds at an acute level, mesmerizing it while my eyes caught the details full bloom as I witnessed the creatures above me, the animals below with me but as I crossed in their beloved territory they drew silent like I was parting the Red Sea. As like Humans, they knew to trust their animal instincts when there was danger around but the effect was beyond me because it enticed me, it thrilled me to know who the prey was and who the predator was.

I being the Predator, moving forward and bodly.

My breaths didn't come forth as gasps like as if in a jog-a-thon, it came out effortlessly and easy because I was not breaking a sweat nor was there any pain in my muscles.

In our vocabulary there was no limit.

 Without hesitation, without hindrance I narrowly moved myself into a different pathway and studied myself to retreat two steps before launching forward up to the Heavens. From our abilities as the Kings or Queens of the higher species, Vampires, my body felt weightless as it was airborne in the air. The branches and the trees appeared to come forth not to bring danger towards me while I was up in the air but I didn't error to reach up and grab a sturdy branch; leveraging myself for more wing power.

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