𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 a girl is transported to a new world. During her attempt to escape, she meets her knee favourite person, but will she remember him when they get back to their own world?
[chishiya shuntarō x fem!oc]
[started: 23.12.22]
[ended: 31.12...
"Okay, listen!" Tatta said, "We just need to know which switch turns on the light. I'll go into the room first, we'll take turns!"
"If you go in, the door won't close!" Arisu said.
"And you can only try once with the door open," Ann said.
"But if we close the door, it doesn't make sense to flip a switch," Tatta said, "We won't know if the light's on!"
"Yes; but suppose we flip the A switch with the door open, but the light bulb doesn't light. Then we'll only know that it's not the A switch."
"Well, have you got a better idea? I say that you... you flip the A switch with the door open."
"And if the light bulb doesn't go on?" Kuina asked.
"If the light bulb turns on, then it's switch A. If not, it's B or C. That way we've got a fifty percent chance!"
"Sixty-six percent," Ann said.
"You sure? It should be fifty percent."
"Gotta tell you, I'm not following any of this," Kuina said.
"Arisu, Hana, what will you do?" Ann asked.
They looked at each other. "Doesn't look like there's another choice," Hana said.
"All right," Arisu said, "With the door open, I'll flip the switch! If the light bulb doesn't light, we'll be left with choosing between the other two switches."
"So it's a shot in the dark?" Ann asked.
"It's all we've got."
"With eight people's lives. Sorry, seven."
"Ann, if you know how to solve this, then tell us!"
"I told you both! We are testing you."
"Don't drag me into some rookie test," Kuina said.
"Gonna give up?"
"Well , I give up," Tatta said, "Just tell me the answer!"
"We'll die! We'll die!" A woman yelled.
"Arisu, just do it before it's too late!" Kuina said.
"Think it through, Arisu," Ann said. Hana rolled her eyes, she was about to flip the switch, but Arisu grabbed her hand to stop her.
"What are you doing? Let me flip it!"
"Think about it, Hana," Arisu said. "Close the door," he said. Kuina and Tatta shut the door. "Don't move!" Everyone stood still. Hana's face lit up. "You see where I'm going with this, right?" Hana nodded, swimming over to the door and opening it.
Arisu flicked the second switch, and the light didn't turn on. Hana went in and touched the light. "It's hot."
"The answer is Switch A," Arisu and Hana said in unison.
"Game clear. Congratulations."
Hana swam over to Arisu, high fiving him. "The light bulb is iridescent," Arisu said, "It states hot because it was on. If it was cold, it wasn't on.I threw the switch to confirm it."
"That raised the odds for sixty-six percent to one hundred percent," Ann said.
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Hana sat by the poolside with Kuina. "Is Arisu your boyfriend?" Kuina asked.
"God, no. We're... friends, I think," Hana said.
"Well, is that his girlfriend?" Kuina pointed at him and Usagi.
"Not sure."
"I'm gonna go and ask."
Kuina walked over to the two, leaving Hana alone. Soon, a group of people walked in, and the music shut off. She watched as they walked over to Arisu.
"Who are they?" Hana asked the girl never to her.
"Those are the militant corps. Their leader is Aguni."
Hana recognised Aguni. He played tag. "Where's your friend?" He asked Arisu. "Oh, yeah? He's dead? A shame. Yet someone like you still lives." He looked at Usagi. "Hey. Bring the woman." He then looked around, "And her over there, by the pool. You," he pointed at Hana, "Come here."
Hana began to walk over, but Arisu shook his head at her, before stepping in front of Usagi. "Leave them," he said.
"Are you a tough guy?" One of the militant corps asked, "What should I do with him?"
"Break both his legs so he dies in the next game," Aguni said.
"Good one. Hey, take the women. And you, you come with me."
Before they could go anywhere, Hatter came out. "Is there a problem?" He asked.
"Back off, Hatter," Aguni said, "This is none of your business."
"But this business is mine. I am the Beach's leader, what I say is the law here. And I'm saying... that you will keep your hands off the newcomers, Aguni. Niragi?" Hatter turned to the one who's tried to take Usagi and Arisu.
"The only boss I have is the general," Niragi said.
"Then I will ask the general. Who do you think is your boss, then, Aguni?"
Aguni turned to him. "I know it is you."
"Shower once in a while." Aguni and his gang walked away. "Executive members! Meeting in the conference room. Arisu, Hana, you too. Ann told me you have potential. Come with me."
Hana and Arisu followed Hatter. They walked into a room, where all of the executive member sat around a table. Hana's eyes instantly landed on the guy in the white jacket from Tag. He waved at her and Arisu. She waved back, and Arisu said hi.
"We took the Two of Spades," Mira said, "Four of Spades, Four of Diamonds, and the Two of Clubs. So far, the existence of any face cards has not been confirmed."
"If there are no face cards, then only the Ten of Hearts remains," Hatter said.
"The Ten of Hearts. It hasn't appeared in any game yet."
"If the Ten of Hearts hasn't appeared yet," Ann said, "Then maybe there's a reason for it. Perhaps it's not in Tokyo."
"No game arena has been found outside the twenty-three districts," Kuzuryu said.
"That only means we haven't searched far enough."
"We're not changing the plan," Hatter said, "The search for the other game arenas in Tokyo will continue. Keep an eye on visa expirations. Let's wait for the Ten or Hearts to show up. My visa needs to be reissued soon."
"Respectfully," Mina said, "There is a way to earn a visa. A Hearts game is a game that plays with people's minds and emotions. We use a decoy we know will die and fix the game so that you survive. Arisu cleared the Seven of Hearts game. I guess that means... If he can do it, then anyone can!"
"Arisu, you cleared the Seven of Hearts?" Hatter asked. Hana thought that must be the one Karube, Chota and Shibuki died in. It was strange. It was as if Hana had predicted Karube's death. Maybe she'd jinxed it. "Can you give us any advice?"
"There's no way to predict when a Hearts game may appear," Ann said, "Don't forget, we only find out what the game is after registration closes."
"True, but the theory of probability should help us determine the arena," Kuzuryu said.
"I don't need pretentious theories," Hatter said, "I will participate in the next game. I don't care if it's a Heart or a Spade. I can clear them all! And I'll be there when the Ten or Hearts appears. The cards are on the table. Our day of departure is near! Executives, you're in charge while I'm away. Meeting adjourned!"