Chapter Three

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Evie and I spent a good two hours in the bathroom mirror doing our hair and make up. Clothes were another story. She had no problem finding the skimpiest articles of clothing in her dresser. Sheer baby pink fitted top with a black lace bra underneath it. With her cleavage it was a no brainer. Dark, skin tight jeans and stiletto heels and she was ready to hit the road. I, on the other hand, had nothing as far as anything party wear goes. We dug through everything I own and, according to Evie, none of it seemed to be good enough to get me laid. “I’m not trying to get laid you freak”, I tell her, “I’m going out to give myself a chance to see what I’ve been missing”. She couldn’t help herself, “yeah, like random dick”, she joked and started humping the air. I started laughing really hard, “dear god, dear lord, stop yourself!”. She kept laughing, “I’m sorry, you walked into that one. But I have something you could rock with tonight. Hang on”. And she was off to her room.

I started to put my clothes back in my closet when Evie came back, dress in hand and my phone. “When did you start talking to Trevor again?”, she asked me, concern weaved through her words. I turned to her, “I haven’t. He’s been texting me off and on all day today, but I haven’t answered him”. “Good, you don’t need his ass. But you might wanna just block his number because he’s texted you seven times in the past two hours”, she said handing me my phone. She wasn’t wrong. He had texted seven times. Paragraphs. “Just delete them. He’s not worth the read anyway”, she says. In the moment I agree, I don’t want him to ruin my first night out in almost a decade. “You know what? You can hold on to this for me tonight”, I say, “I don’t want the temptation”. She gladly took it from me, “no problem there. I’ll hide it until morning”. She tossed it onto the head of the bed, “now back to business”, she said, holding up the tiny black dress, “you have to wear this, no excuses”. I stared at the dress for a minute. It was so short with tiny straps. The upside was that it felt super stretchy, and it was black. “Trust me”, she said, “it's a bodycon dress, hugs all the right places”, and shoved it into my hands.

I took myself into the bathroom to change. The full length mirror proved Evie right. This dress did hug all the right places. And with my push up bra carrying most of the load, I could finally see my figure. My wings on my back were on full display too, which was a definite perk. I had almost forgotten how good I could look. The length kinda made me nervous. It stopped at the middle of my thigh and creeped up every time I went to walk. I put it out of my head and went to show Evie. She was beside herself. “Yes bitch! Where’ve you been hiding that hourglass body?”, she said excitedly. “Now you just need some shoes”, she said. “No need, I have that covered”, I say. I went into the floor of my closet and pulled out my favorite pair of leather boots and pulled them on. “Nice. But just be careful, don’t wanna trip on a heel”, she said jokingly. “Whatever you say”, I agree pulling on a light half jacket, “now let’s get going”.


As we pulled up to the bar just after eight o’clock quickly realized that Evie really wasn’t kidding when she said grungy. Diamond Lills has been standing here since I can remember. And it still looked as shady as it did back then. We parked along the street a little ways down from the front entrance to try to avoid any traffic. After we got out of the car, I couldn’t help but question her judgement. “Is this really where we’re hanging out all night? This is like the grossest bar in town, and this is a very small town”, I tell her. She turns and walks backwards to talk to me. “I know it’s basically a dump, but it’s where Jesus hangs out a lot and it’s easier to trap him here”. I stop walking, “Oh god, I’m not being pulled into some weird threesome date am I? Cause I love you, but not that much”, I tell her. She wraps an arm around one of mine and pulls me along. “No, you are not. Although he’d probably be into it if we asked”, she said winking at me. “Again, polite pass. Plus, I’m not into Spanish guys anyway”. That made Evie very curious, “so what type of guy are you into anyway?”, she asked, pulling the door to the bar open. As I thought about the question, I realized even I don’t know how to answer that. Noticing the blank answer all over my face, she moved on from it. “Anyway, you’ve spent the better half of your twenties attached to that fucking red headed douche bag never having any fun, and now you’re free as a bird. Break free from the mental bird cage!”, she said loudly and pulled me inside.

The bar was pretty packed. It being a Saturday night, not surprising at all. A haze of cigarette smoke hung in the air, stinking up the entire room. It almost made me gag when it hit me in the face. There wasn’t any room to sit at the bar so we snagged a table on the far wall by the pool tables. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna grab us a drink”, Evie said. As she walked to the bar to flag down the bartender, I checked out the rest of the crowd. It was mostly just locals drinking bottles of beer and playing pool. Others took a chance on the dancefloor with their sweethearts, although the choice of music for a slow dance was questionable. Something In Your Mouth by Nickelback wasn’t exactly romantic in my eyes, but hey, to each their own I guess.

Evie returned to the table with two wine coolers in hand. “No sign of Jesus just yet, but he texted and told me he’d be here, so we’ll just hang out until he gets here”, she said. “So what am I supposed to do when your boy toy gets here? I didn’t come out with you to play a third wheel”, I told her annoyed. “I’m not ditching you, if that’s what you’re thinking. I just figured we could all hang out together. Plus he’s bringing some of his guy friends with tonight to hang out too. It’s a friend hang out tonight”, she explained. I took a drink and sighed, “alright then, I'll go with it. Who’s all coming out then?”. She shrugged, “I don’t know. I just told him me and you were going out tonight and he said he’d meet me here with the guys. Whoever that means, I have no idea”. With that she and I continued to drink and listen to the jukebox.

About forty five minutes went by before the guys actually came through the door. As Jesus and Evie fell into each other a few introductions were made for my benefit since I basically knew no one. A couple of them seemed nice enough, not exactly threatening. But I couldn’t bring myself to really try to connect with any of them. Casual conversation got old really quick, especially since most of the men in here are completely looking at my chest. I wasn’t really mad at them for it, it was out there for the world to see. But they could at least try to pretend they weren’t staring. “I think I need some air”, I say, not really sure who to. Anyone who was actually listening.

I step out side into the warm night air and lean against the far wall. A couple of people were outside smoking and laughing. I also watched someone get into their car and try to drive away, but apparently couldn’t  remember in their drunken haze how to put it in gear. One of the bartenders came out and convinced them to go back inside and call someone for a ride, thank god. Still funny to watch though. Just when I thought the fun was over a familiar face started walking up the sidewalk. Connor was about to head inside before seeing me and changed his direction towards me. “Hey Faye, how’s it going?”, he asked. I shrugged at him, “fine, I guess. Just catching some air. Anything new with you?”. He took the spot next to me on the wall, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He took a long drag, “nothin’,  just came out for a beer. Thought I might hit up your bestie, but she seems to be attached to Jesus these days”. “You can always find someone else to roll around with”, I say. I’m not really sure why I said it the way I did. It was like silk on my lips.

He scooted a little closer to me. “By the way, you look really fuckin sexy tonight. Definitely a glow up from the last time I saw you. Trevor’s a fuckin idiot”, he said, tracing a finger on my thigh. I grabbed his hand, “what’s happening here?”. His smile told me everything, but he clarified anyway. “look, it’s not like I wanna be your boyfriend. I’m just looking for a good time. I’ve found you hot since I can remember, but kept my distance cause Trevor’s a psychopath. But hey, we’re both single now from what I’ve heard. So if you’re down, I’m willing to go down, if you catch my drift”, he said. He stood in front of me, put his hands on my hips. I stopped his hands from moving anywhere else, but couldn’t help the shiver creeping along my skin. My heart started picking up pace as his face came down to mine, inches from my lips. “What do you say, sexy? Wanna feel a real man tonight?”, he said. My brain was going a million miles per hour. Half of me knew how bad of an idea this was, the other couldn’t ignore the low throb starting between my legs. I haven’t had any in so long that even he seemed fuckable. I thought about it for another few seconds, then decided.

Fuck it.

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