Chapter Six

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Evie drove us out to Connors house out in the woods. Living outside of town must be nice, especially when you wanna have a bonfire party with a keg. And being down by the river was even better. When we were getting ready we talked about how we were gonna do this. I opted to be the designated driver for this evening. Alcohol and me don’t seem to mix great together anyway. Evie told me she would try her best not to get fucked up, but made no promises. That was fine by me, she deserves to have some fun. But, if I had to, I told her I would absolutely drag her into the car if I had to. As she parked the car at the end of his driveway behind a few other cars, Evie laughed. “Don’t threaten me with a good time”, she said smiling.

The party was in full swing when we made it up the driveway. There were a couple of coolers filled with bottles of beer and wine coolers on the back porch. The bonfire was pretty tall considering how close it was to the trees. A couple of the guys kept throwing logs and sticks into the blaze, making it climb higher to the leaves. The summer air was already hot enough without the fire. It was already seven and it was still around seventy five degrees with the sun setting. There were quite a few people here just sitting around drinking, and a few were dancing around on the back patio where the stereo was set up. It didn’t take long for Evie to scope out Jesus in a small group next to the house. “Come on, we can just hang out with people we know. Less drama that way”, she said pulling me along. I started following her when I noticed a face through the fire. I almost thought I recognized them before Evie interrupted my train of thought. “Do you want a drink?”, she asked. “I’ll just have a bottle of water if you can find one”, I tell her, “I’m the driver tonight, remember?”.


When it finally got dark around nine o’clock everyone seemed very buzzed. The energy in the air only intensified when Connor started passing a blunt around the party. Thank god the nearest neighbors were several miles away. Otherwise, they would probably have called the cops about the overwhelming scent floating through the trees. I couldn’t hardly stand the smell. I was never a weed smoker. Hell, I wasn’t a drug user period. I sat with Evie in the smoke as long as I could stand it before I had to find fresh air. I got up and told her I would be back in a few minutes. I walked myself down to the river bank with my water and sat on an old tree stump. The sound of the water was comforting compared to the loud music from the stereo. I think I sat there for about ten minutes when I started hearing footsteps coming down towards me. I figured it was probably just Evie coming to see what I was doing, so I didn’t bother turning around. But the person who came into my line of vision was someone I was really hoping wouldn’t be here.

“Hey baby. How’ve you been?”, asked Trevor. I jumped to my feet and stepped back a couple steps. “Don’t call me that Trevor. We’re broke up”, I tell him, “and I don’t wanna talk to you anyway”. Then I thought about it, “did Connor tell you I was here? Or are you actually stalking me?”, I ask. He took a drink from his beer, “does it really matter? Don’t talk, just listen to me. I’ve been missing you like crazy. These last few months have been really hard”. I cut him off before he continued. “Yeah. It must be hard to finally have to pay your own bills. No time to fuck around with random sluts anymore?”, I snap at him. Even in the dark I could tell that hit a nerve with him. But he tried to look more sad then pissed. “I deserve that I guess. But no, I haven’t slept with anyone since the day you left”, he explained, “hell, I haven’t even jerked myself off. I was waiting for you to come back home”. That made me roll my eyes, “look Trevor, we both need to move on. We’re bad for each other. And if all I am apparently is a fuck to you, then it’s not worth even pretending to want me to move back in with you, let alone get back together. Just leave me alone”. I went to walk back to the party to get away from him, and rip Connor a new ass hole for inviting Trevor. But he cut me off from the path back to the house.

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