Jeongin (3)

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"Ah! Fu-uck... Jinnie-mmph!" I should've known better when we didn't have sex last night.

All the signs were there but he ended up falling asleep. As soon as he came home however, he woke me up and dragged me to the bedroom. And well... now I'm on my back.

I grabbed onto his biceps as he kept thrusting into me relentlessly. Anything to keep me grounded. I couldn't stop the moans that kept spilling from my open mouth.

"Hyun-ahh... Hyunjin!" He thrusted particularly hard, causing me to arch my back in pleasure and throw my head back onto the pillow. Again and again he continued to hit me where it felt so good.

I reached up to pull him down for a sloppy make out. Saliva was all over my lips and his, and I kept moaning into his mouth even when he shoved his tongue into mine. I felt even more turned on when I felt his hand grip the back of my head and push me even further into him. I was getting overloaded.

I pulled away with a loud wet smack, heaving for air while trying to stay sane as he continued to pound into me. I grabbed onto his hair and pulled on it when I felt him giving my neck open mouth kisses. It felt so nice.

"Jinnie-hah... I'm-I'm almost th-there mmph!" He gave me a hard kiss and pulled away leaving a string of saliva connecting us. I could barley focus on him as he rested his head onto mine and locked eyes with me. They were dark and full of lust. My breath hitched when I felt him reach down and grab my erection, jerking it too fast for me to be coherent.

His hot breath on my face was the only thing keeping me on earth until I heard him speak such sinful words to me.

"Cum for me Jeongin. You can do it baby."

I lost my mind.

My lower abdomen tensed up and I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him impossibly closer as I finally released. I heard Hyunjin let out a low groan as a warm substance shot onto my chest and his. He kept stroking me as he chased his own orgasm, his thrusts stuttering in rhythm. I dug my nails into his back when he continued to give shallows thrusts, making me whimper due to sensitivity. Finally, he ceased movement and gently let me go.

"Are you ok?" He asked me out of breath. I nodded at him, my eyes shut as I focused on my breathing. I let my hands slide off his back and relaxed my legs, letting both of them flop onto the bed. I felt him rest a hand on my face, the cool steel of the ring on his finger making me open my eyes.

His hair was still in the same messy ponytail it was when he came home except for a few strands that stuck out wildly. His face was covered in the slightest sheen of sweat.

"I'm gonna pull out ok? Just relax." Oh damnit. I forgot about that. He looked down and started to gently caress my side as he slowly slid out. I screwed my eyes shut and held my breath, hating this part the most. Once he was fully out I exhaled through my teeth. Now it just burned.

He got off the bed and quickly stood up, taking the condom off and running it to the trash. I heard more shuffling around but didn't bother to look up. I was too worn out at the moment.

I did look up when I felt a warm rag on my body. "Don't move yet I'm cleaning you up. Because you're so messy." He shot me a sideways grin. I just rolled my eyes at him. He wiped down my chest, stomach and thighs before tossing me a clean pair of boxers and my sweatpants back. Once he walked away for a second time, I slowly rose up in the bed.

Instantly I felt pain. But I powered through it, slowly sliding my boxers up my legs. I very slowly put in one leg at a time, ensuring my feet popped out the other end before I slid my sweatpants all the way up. I then scooted myself up and backwards so I could rest my upper body against the wall. Hyunjin came back clad in only boxers.

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