Jeongin (9)

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"S-W-I-T-C-H definition. No not light switches, switch! Switch... ". I sat in Hyunjins booth scooted all the way in and away from prying eyes as I scoured the internet for an answer to the question I received last night. Seungmin wasn't here with me tonight, it was only Chanyeol and Kyungsoo this time. Which, in itself, was something that hardly happened.

Kyungsoo followed rules by the book and executed accordingly, no exceptions other than unexplainable phenomena and unexpected emotional instability. Which was how I found myself taking my allotted 30 minute break right at 7pm. I didn't really make myself anything since I wasn't hungry, so I had been desperately trying to figure out what a... switch was.

"KYUNGOO! WHERE IS THE EXTRA SANDWICH WRA- ow!" A harsh smack had me raising my head up to see my boss with a rolled newspaper in his hand and Chanyeol rubbing the back of his head.

"You didn't have to hit me like that Soo. Ouch!" Kyungsoo hit him again, this time on his upper arm. "Stop screaming like an idiot and maybe I won't have to hit you. The box is under the counter right there." He gestured with the newspaper in his hand making Chanyeol flinch as he nervously chuckled and nodded.

I looked back down at my phone as I kept scrolling through query after query, all of them being related to electricity or wiring. Until I saw a link different than the rest.

'what does it mean to be a switch in bed'

I went to tap on it but paused, taking a second to look around me. This was probably something I shouldn't be reading at work right now...

I copied the address, pasted it into a private tab and hit search again.

The results were in the direction I was looking for but an acronym I wasn't familiar with was frequently used in almost all the links.

"BDSM?... ". I lowly whispered to myself as I randomly tapped on a link.

The first site I laid eyes upon seemed to be explaining the acronym itself: bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism. I recognized dominance and submission, that seemed pretty self explanatory. Bondage meant... ropes I think? I had no idea what the last two terms meant, but the internet seemed to be a good place to start.

I looked up and around again to find the same five customers from earlier sitting in the back with Kyungsoo wiping the front counters and Chanyeol cleaning a slicer. I tucked my phone closer to myself and searched up sadism and masochism.

Mentions of inflicting pain on others for pleasure versus receiving pain for sexual gratification was the reoccurring theme for this pair of words. It was an... interesting concept.

Reading on, it mentioned that denied releases, light slapping or choking could be signs that a person could be interested in such things during sex. Wouldn't that kind of pain detract from the experience? I set my phone down as a sudden memory of Hyunjin's strong grip on the back of my neck and chin surfaced up, vividly feeling the strength in his fingertips as they pressed into my skin.

Sometimes it was a little rough. But it had never bothered me. Hell sometimes it made me even wilder. Almost like the sensation made me pull my focus in and amp up my own intensity in order to match his, purposefully acting out so he would grab me again.

I turned off my phone and sat back in the booth, running my hands down my cheeks before sliding a hand around my neck. I leaned my head back against the head rest and closed my eyes, gently squeezing my own throat as I imagined my hand being someone else's. I swallowed slowly as I tightened my grip, feeling my ring starting to press into my neck.

"Welcome inside! My name is Chanyeol, please let me know if you have any questions or are ready to order!"

My eyes shot open and I pulled my hand away from my neck, my face feeling hot as I looked towards the front door where a couple had walked inside.

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