Jeongin (6)

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I was standing in the bathroom in only my underwear while Hyunjin closed the door. He also had on only underwear.

I listened to the water fall from the shower head and hit the tiled floor. Steam was starting to gather in the room. Hyunjin walked over to me and dipped his fingers into the band of my underwear. I slightly arched my back and inhaled, my heart threatening to bust out of my chest. I unconsciously held my breath as I mirrored his actions but on him, sliding my hands past the band and starting to push them down.

"Someone seems eager." He leaned forward to press his lips against mine, the kisses becoming longer. He gently pushed his tongue past my lips as he simultaneously pushed my underwear past my hips and down my thighs. I opened my mouth to welcome him, pulling his underwear off him as well. He suddenly grabbed my hips and pulled me up against him.

I broke the kiss and gasped at the contact, as both of us were bare skin. With no clothing in the way, my half-hard dick was pressed against his fully erect one. He lowly chuckled at my expression, pressing a finger up under my chin.

"Let's get in baby, before the water runs cold." He pecked my lips before guiding me into the shower. He slid the door shut and stepped under the water, closing his eyes as the water cascaded down his naked body. I hungrily took in the sight.

He still had his eyes closed as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair. He rubbed a hand over his chest and up under his arms. I watched his muscles flex from the simple movement, my breath catching in the back of my throat. The heat from the water was not helping my situation.

He stepped forward and opened his eyes. "Your turn baby." He gently grabbed my shoulders and rotated our positions. I almost didn't want to shower at this point.

I closed my eyes as I stepped back under the water. It was warm and relaxing. I used both my hands to push my hair back from my face. I then felt a hand on the back of my neck, pulling me out of the water before I was being kissed again.

This time I pushed my tongue into his mouth first, making his grip on my neck tighten. Warm water seeped between our lips as our tongues slid against each other. I felt him sigh into my mouth before pulling away, making my dick twitch as I opened my eyes.

His wet hair was hanging from his head in clumps as he breathed through parted lips. I watched on with the water running against my back as he turned around to get some shampoo in his hand. I looked at his broad shoulders, the way his shoulder blades moved under his skin. I followed his spine to the curve of his ass. Everything I looked at was a visual gift. His body was like a work of art.

He began to rub the shampoo into his hair, massaging it into his scalp. He closed his eyes as started using both hands to grab the rest of his hair and coat it with soap. One of his hands left his head and went down to grab his erection as he began to stroke it. A breathy moan came out of him as he massaged his scalp and slowly jerked himself off. I couldn't look away from him, it was like I was under a trance.

He finally stopped and switched spots with me to rinse the soap from his head and dick. He opened his eyes to see me biting my lip and trying to hide my own arousal. He knew exactly what he was doing when he did that.

"Here baby let me help you." He reached behind and got more shampoo. He spoke lowly to me, "Close your eyes." I listened to him, darkness taking over my sight as I felt him rub the shampoo into my hair. He began to massage it into my scalp with the pads of his fingers. It felt so damn good. In any other setting, the sensation would put me to sleep. But right now it only added more fuel to the fire.

I gasped when I felt his hand wrap around my cock and start stroking it. Just like he did to himself. I tried to muffle my moans as best as I could while he continued to jerk me off. I blindly reached out to grab onto something, finding his shoulder and somewhere along his ribs. My legs were going to give out if he kept doing this to me. Thankfully he stopped, the loss of contact making me breath heavily.

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