chapter 56

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I woke up early to make him some breakfast. I realised every time we woke up together I'd tried to get away but not after last night.

After last night I knew he cared about me and I realised I love him. I'd do anything for him.

I was making his favourite, avacado toast and some coffee.

"Good morning babe." He said from behind me while kissing my neck gently.

I smiled and turned to face him. "Good morning. I made you breakfast." I told him.

"Simone. We need to talk." He said while sighing and looking down at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"Okay now you're scaring me. Did I do something?" I asked while my smile was slowly fading.

"Baby from now on your problems are my problems. You're my girlfriend. I'm not going to let you go through all this trouble." He said while pulling me a little closer to him by the waist.

My hands crept up to his jaw. "I know that now."

"Yeah? Also I have a question." He said while smirking and releasing me.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked while turning to get us cups for our coffee.

"Last night did you say something to me?" I froze. Fuck he heard it.

"I said lots of things last night Damien you need to be more specific." I continued with grabbing some fruit from the fridge while he was sitting at the island.

"I don't know. Maybe some three magical words." He smiled deviously.

So he did hear it. "I don't know what you're talking about. " i said in a slightly higher pitch than usual which made him chuckle as I brought his plate of breakfast to him and his hands slipped around my waist.

"I love you too Simonè. " he said to me while looking up into my eyes.

I may or may not have died in that very moment.

I kissed him wholesomely, passionately and lovingly because I did not know what the future had for me or for us but I was glad I had him.

Breakfast was well amazing thanks to my chef skills and then his skills came in handy after that.

On the the bedroom.. in the shower... in the bedroom again...

Let's just say it was a long Friday morning. I had let him know that I'd be at my dad's house with Adrian today just going through some things while he kissed me on my forehead and told me to stay safe.

Adrian picked me up and couldn't shut up about how I was living in paradise.

The drive with him was fun. He always found a way of making me laugh.

"Hey Adrian can I ask you a question?"

"Why wouldn't you just ask straight away?" He retorted and I scoffed at his attitude making him laugh at me.

"Was it just me or was Ashley acting strange yesterday as we talked about this situation?"

"Well she doesn't really enjoy any of this crime shit and she wants us to get out of this shit."

"I mean I get that but maybe I'm just being paranoid. " I tell him and he nods his head.

I don't know why something was telling me something was off with her. I mean the person threatening Adrian and I was someone close to either of us and she was a suspect on my list.

Telling him would obviously make him angry and he'd refuse her involvement but she knows everything.

I sighed and shook my head getting all those thoughts out of my head.

I needed to focus on finding something when we got to my dad's place.

My mind kept spinning around everything this whole week and none of it was making sense to me.

Who could have known that we killed Daniel and said nothing waited until Ella was arrested then said something?

My dad couldn't be threatening me... could he?

Fuck I was becoming a nervous fuck.

I came out of my state and realised we'd finally made it to my dad's place. I knew he wouldn't be around because there was a meeting with the lawyers for Ella's case today.

I used my key to get in and dragged Adrian with me to my dad's office.

"Okay so what exactly are we looking for?"

"Any clues that Ella would be the one behind this. Or of us being involved. " he replied me.

"Yeah but he is very smart he wouldn't put anything suspicious out in the open it has to be hidden. " i said while walking around the room scanning it for any strange sign.

"I'll check the shelves." Adrain told me as he stepped towards them and started scanning the files.

I continued searching the room till I reached a floor board that creaked.


I quickly knelt down and opened it. There was a box under it and I called Adrian over to help me with it.

"Fuck you were right." He said while lifting it up.

I opened it in a rush and found some papers but the first thing that caught my eye was my Dee's birth certificate.

I held up the paper in confusion. It showed her date of birth and birth mother.

It wasn't strange to me since we always knew we shared birthdays but why it was here was just strange.

"What is that?" Adrian said from across me.

"Dee's birth certificate. Why is it here though?" I said in confusion.

"That's weird."

"Without doubt." I added before I tossed it aside and continued scanning through the things.

There were old pictures of my dad and Ella some with Daniel and others with my mom.

It was really strange. I found another picture of two babies next to each other. Is this Dee and I?

I then traced the divorce papers for my mom and dad. They were signed perfectly well but what was even strange was that my mom seemed to have taken more assets than my dad.

Maybe that was the settlement since he got full custody.

"None of this is making any sense." I told Adrian and I looked over to see his face scrunched up as he nodded with me.

I grabbed an old newspaper that had a headline. 'Car crash leaves man and two toddlers hospitalised'

I recognised the man as my dad were the two toddlers Dee and I?

I also found my birth certificate in the mess of papers and I picked up Dee's with shaky hands.

Same date. Ten minutes apart.

"Adrian I think Dee and I are sisters." I breathed out and he looked just as shocked as I was.

My whole life I'd spent it with her but now nothing was adding up. Was she my sister? Could she have been?

I couldn't breathe I was panicking now.

Adrian quickly had my hands in his telling me to breathe and I did exactly that and managed to calm myself abit.

Then finally like a punch to my gut my eyes saw it on my birth certificate. Asif I'd been ignoring it. There written in black ink.

Simonè Knowles. Mother: Ella George.

Just then a gun clicked.

"Glad you could make it."

"Mom?" I breathed out.

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