Becoming Carmen Sandiego (S1 E01)

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3rd Person POV

Carmen entered the train carriage, her most prized possession in her hand. She would wait for Gray to show up, knowing full well that the tracer on her dolls had to come from him. She would have a conversation with him and try to get him to come to her side. At least that's what she thought. The sliding door opened behind her back before an electric shock went through her body. The last thing she felt before she lost consciousness was someone grabbing her to keep her from falling violently to the floor, then total darkness. Gray had just grabbed Carmen and was placing her on the seat. He retrieves the Russian dolls and removes the tracker before placing it inside Carmen's jacket, in case she runs away. He removes her earrings, knowing that they're also used as a tracker and earpiece before destroying them. He then takes out his phone and calls the Faculty. They answer almost instantly,

"Ah Crackle... Good news I hope ?" Maelstrom asks, leaning forward.

"The job is done, Professor. I have captured Carmen Sandiego, she is currently unconscious before me."

"Show us." Coach says quickly, she will only believe him if she sees her. Gray flips the phone and shows them an unconscious Carmen on the bench. All the teachers smile wickedly at the sight. The elusive Carmen Sandiego was finally theirs. Shadowsan keeps his face neutral, hiding his concern and already starting to plan a way to get her out of there.

"Well done my dear boy. I told you he would succeed." Bellum says cheerfully as she pulls out her tablet to warn the Cleaners.

"Indeed, good job Crackle. Please tie her up and watch over her until Paris. The Cleaners will be waiting for you there to collect her and bring her to us."

"It will be done Countess." Gray cuts the communication and turns to Carmen. "Excuse me Black Sheep. But I must do what is best for you, one day you will thank me." He pulls out the metal handcuffs the Faculty had given him. They had been designed especially for her, to prevent her from running away. He takes her hands and puts them behind her back while he handcuffs her. Just as he was about to close them loosely so as not to hurt her, the handcuffs tightened on their own until blood was pouring from her wrists. He then realises that he cannot remove them, only the Faculty can. Sighing, he pulls her up to a sitting position and ties her legs with a rope.

He sits down opposite her and finally observes her properly. She has changed since Casablanca, her hair has grown and she is much taller. Her face has matured. Unsurprisingly, a subtle and delicate lipstick rests on her lips. He realises that he is no longer looking at an immature teenager, but at an accomplished woman who has attacked someone bigger than herself. He looks at her for a long moment before taking out his phone to keep himself busy. Eagerly waiting for her to wake up, to convince her of the rightness of his actions. She would listen to him and not resist when she returned, he was sure. Like Carmen earlier, he too was very much mistaken.

At the same time, Faculty Hall

"What do we do now that she's in our possession ?" Cleo asked as the screen went blank.

"I doubt she would agree to steal for us by herself, and her betrayal cannot be forgiven so easily." Maelstrom said as he turned to the Countess.

"All it takes is one good talk with Mama Bear." Coach said as she cracked her knuckles. "I'll beat some sense into her."

"I doubt hitting her would bring her back. She'll try to play us like she did her second year. Besides we're a criminal organization, we don't have time to waste convincing a girl who's already run away from us twice." Shadowsan has a stern look on his face. He hopes they won't hurt her, he won't tolerate it.

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