The Hot Rocks Rio Caper (S2 E01-02)

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3rd Person POV

Carmen looked around for a way out as Le Chèvre pursued her onto the stone extraction machine. She dodged him and grabbed onto the conveyor belt to try and get out through the stone storage area, but she didn't see that the French operative was chasing her. He kicked her, but she blocked it, causing her to lose her balance. She fell and El Topo caught her, pinning her arms. She struggled against him as the other two VILE operatives joined them, accompanied by the guards.

"Good catch, Mon Ami." Le Chèvre said as he came back down.

"Look who decided to drop in." Tigress gloats, smiling wickedly.

"I don't plan on staying. Be a shame to come all the way to Rio and miss Carnival."

"Aw, she actually thinks she's getting out of this one. How fedorable."

Tigress giggles as the boys force her to the ground, tying her wrists and ankles.

"I will inform the faculty that we have finally captured Carmen Sandiego."

Le Chèvre got to his feet and walked towards the computer. Carmen was about to scream when Tigress forced an old cloth into her mouth.

"What's the matter, little lamb ? You don't look very happy to see your parents again."

She gestures to El Topo to bring Carmen closer to the computer screen. She is forced to her knees as the professors respond.

"Tigress, report." Maelstrom said before his gaze dropped to the girl struggling in her bonds. The professors looked surprised, letting Tigress speak.

"The gems are packed and ready to deliver. And you're about to receive a special delivery of a whole other kind."

"Am I dreaming ? That's..."

"Carmen Sandiego, Coach. We captured her just now as she was trying to sneak in."

"Excellent work you three. Remove her gag we need to ask her a few questions." Cleo sits up straight in her seat, removing her hand from Bellum's under the table.

El Topo removes the cloth from Carmen's mouth and she coughs from the dirt. She glares at the professors as she struggles in her bonds.

"Where is he ?" Bellum asks.

Carmen bites her lip as she realises that what she thought was a Shadowsan trap at first isn't actually one. She avoids the professors' gaze by lowering her head to hide her nervousness. Tigress grabs her hair and pulls, forcing her to raise her head. She screams and almost misses Maelstrom's remark.

"You've never been able to hide your nervousness from us. You know something."


Carmen says and Cleo nods to the operatives. El Topo whispers an apology to Carmen before punching her. With the Faculty watching, the operatives hit Carmen for a little while before Tigress stabs Carmen in the abdomen with her claws. Cowering over her wound, Carmen didn't hear the professors call Tigress to order. Several black spots dance in her vision and she feels herself losing consciousness. Le Chèvre pulls her to her knees while El Topo goes to fetch the first-aid kit. Le Chèvre forces her to raise her head and look at the professors.

"Feel like talking to us now, Lambkins ?"

She shakes her head negatively, biting her lip as El Topo begins to roll up a bandage. The professors talk quietly amongst themselves and Carmen tries to get out of Jean-Paul's grip on her hair. Seeming to have reached a consensus, the professors turned to their operatives.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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