Becoming Carmen Sandiego (S1 E02)

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Carmen POV

Alarms were ringing in the building. I walked down the hall, my head down and my face camouflaged by the large fedora I had just stolen from Cookie. I felt a little bad about attacking her and tying her up, but after all, she's part of VILE. She's probably done worse. The Cleaners stand like two watchdogs in the main hall, making it impossible to leave the building. They look at me intently and I start to panic. I don't want to be caught again, rather die. As I approach the exit, Vlad suddenly speaks.

"Mrs. Booker..."

I hold my breath. Vlad positions himself in front of me I lower my head a little more. I feel, more than see, Boris raise his hand to lift my hat. The exit is a few feet away. I elbow Boris in the face and jump up to get off my stilts. I throw them at Vlad who dodges them and he presses a button on his walkie-talkie. I guess this indicates that they have found me. I have to hurry past them before reinforcements arrive. I know I wouldn't last in a fight against Coach Brunt or Shadowsan, the latter will surely be aggressive. The fight goes on for a few minutes and I get tired, having almost no timing to attack. I only defend myself and try to get closer to the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a green spot coming and I know it's Coach. Fear gets my adrenaline going and I manage to find a window of opportunity to steal Vlad's taser and use it against him. As I do so, Coach had only walked up and stood in front of the door, cutting off my only way out. She motions to Boris to stand back.

"Leaving without saying goodbye, Lambkins?"

"I would have tried, but something tells me you wouldn't let me go."

"You're not going through that door. You have two choices. Either you willingly give me the drive back and follow me to the faculty lounge, or you'll do it by force."

"Or third option, you let me out nicely."

"You know I can't let you do that, Lambkins." Coach sneers.

"I would never steal for VILE. I'd still rather die trying to be free."

Her laughter stops and she looks at me with a fury I've never seen in her, and it terrifies me. She steps towards me and holds out her hand when I decide to attack. She takes my punch and gives me one enough to make me hit the wall hard and fall to my knees. The phone falls out of my pocket as does the hard drive. As I tried to get up, she gives me another blow to the head and I lose consciousness. The last thing I think I see is Shadowsan coming, with concern on his face.

3rd Person POV

Shadowsan was running in, praying it wasn't too late when he sees Black Sheep, kneeling in front of a wall she's just hit and Coach punching her unconscious. She lifts her up in her arms and the rest of the faculty arrive. Bellum immediately retrieves the hard drive and gives it to Boris to take to safety while they go to debate the girl's fate. As Shadowsan spots the phone, and thinks of a way to divert it without the others noticing, Maelstrom sees it too. He picks it up and examines it.

"Isn't that the phone we took from her before ?" Cleo asks.

"Yes, it is. We had locked it up in an office with Professor Maelstrom earlier. She must have got it back." Bellum says as she picks it up and glances at it. "And it looks like she was on a call before the signal was cut off by the code red."

"So we'll have some questions for Black Sheep when she regains consciousness. If she spoke to anyone about VILE, we need to neutralize the threat to our secret." said Maelstrom, glancing at the unconscious girl in Coach's arms.

"What do we do with her ?" Shadowsan asks, keeping his voice neutral.

"We put her in a cell. A day and night in these dusty halls with no visitors should scare her enough to pass the urge to do it again." Cleo said, looking at her sternly.

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