The Duke of Vermeer Caper (S1 E05)

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A/N : Hi ! I'll hold your attention for a few seconds. I'd like to know what you think of this story. (The whole series I mean.) Some episodes don't tempt me too much to write and yet those in which it is almost captured. And I feel that this is reflected in the quality of the chapter. I'm waiting for your feedback to see if you really like it and if so I'll continue. If not I'll finish with the episodes that really inspire me.

Finally I'd like to apologize for the few chapters I'm releasing (either on the one-shots, or the What If, or some Why interludes that are normally coming soon). I'm currently working on a big fanfic with an important plot and subplot, much more than the Why one. I promise the news will come soon.

Carmen POV

I place my hands on the painting and remove it from its stand as Ivy places an empty frame in its place. I hear a sound of ventilation above us and as I look up I see green gas being released into the room. 

"Ivy we're leaving !"

We rush to the door but it is locked and the code no longer works. I try to reach Player but the signal has been cut. I hold my breath as I tap on the armoured door, hoping for some kind of miracle. I hear Ivy fall behind me and I rush over to her to pick her up and drag her closer to the door. I feel my eyes begin to close despite my struggle to stay conscious. Finally my strength fails me and everything goes black.

3rd Person POV

"An accomplice you say ? Among us ?" Cleo asks incredulously. 


"That's impossible you're wrong agent."

"Then could I at least take a tour of your property ?"

"I'm afraid that's not possible. I assure you that this Carmen Sandiego is not here. I will ask you to leave my property." 

The Cleaners escort a disgruntled Devineaux from the room.

“Dessert's off.”  

Cleo gets up and walks to the vault in which the paintings are secured as Dash Haber escorts the guests out. The Cleaners join the Countess as she enters the room. She sees Ivy and Carmen unconscious on the floor. The Countess steps forward, puts her foot under Carmen's torso and so turns her onto her back, confirming that it is indeed the young thief.

"Tie them up. Add a gag and blindfold to Black Sheep before taking her to the limousine where you will put her in the trunk. Then prepare the paintings for transport." The Countess turns to leave when Boris calls her back.

"What about the other girl ?"

"Lock her up here. She will die by the cleaning of the castle."

A few hours later

Boris portrays Carmen on his shoulder as they moved onto the helipad. She began to move and struggle, indicating that she had regained consciousness. Attracted by her muffled attempts to scream, the Countess turned to the bound young woman.

"Hold still Carmen."

She climbs into the helicopter and sits down as Boris ties Carmen to a seat. Vlad starts the aircraft and takes it off. Her blindfold and gag are removed.

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