The Fishy Doubloon Caper (S1E04)

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3rd Person POV

El Topo and Le Chèvre had just arrived at the place where the fish was being sold when they saw Carmen's team surrounding her, who fell unconscious in the distance.

"Altitude sickness, mi amigo..." El Topo turned to his friend who had not taken his eyes off the young thief. A smile appeared on his face.

"And an excellent opportunity to capture her. She is completely defenseless and the Faculty will be more than happy if we deliver her to them, making up for our previous failures. Come on, let's go get her."

The two silently move forward and watch in the tent as a woman sends the two redheads to the market. They wait for them to move away before entering.

"Hello... How can I help you ?" The woman asks as she walks towards them. Carmen has a breathing mask over her face and seems to be a little delirious.

"Our friends alerted us to Carmen's condition. We thank you for taking care of her, but we're going to take her away." El Topo begins gently.

"This young lady needs specific care. I'm a Doctor, so let me handle it, I'll send her to you when she wakes up." Dr. Marquez sends them away, not having a good feeling about it.

"We can handle it. We have the proper equipment in our second car." Le Chèvre speaks up, not liking to waste time. At any moment, Carmen could wake up.

"I've already installed the proper equipment and it wouldn't do to move her." Marquez insists. Suddenly, she feels an electric shock and collapses on the floor. Lifeless. El Topo looks at Le Chèvre, who only shrugs his shoulders.

"No witnesses, remember ? And she wouldn't let us take her." He says as he approaches Carmen. El Topo sighs and joins his friend. He picks up Carmen and swings her over his shoulder. They exit through the back of the tent and rush to their vehicle. Opening the boot, Le Chèvre retrieves a rope and cuts it into several pieces to tie her wrists behind her back and her ankles. He ties another rope over her knees as a precaution. He finds a piece of cloth in the corner and uses it as a gag. El Topo notices her earrings and removes them, destroying them in the process. They leave her in the locked boot and go to find the doubloon.

Zack POV

The mole and the goat had just run off with the doubloon. Without Carmen we couldn't do anything. Returning to the tent to see Carmen, we find the doctor, unconscious on the ground and Carmen nowhere to be found. Ivy rushes over to the doctor and lowers herself to his level. After a few seconds, she turns to me.

"She's dead !"

Realising something is up, I pull out my phone and call Player.

"Player ! Have you heard from Carmen ?"

"No. Why ? Is she not in the tent anymore ?" The boy asks and Ivy takes the phone from me.

"Marquez is dead and Carmen is missing."

There's a silence on the other side of the line, even the sounds of the keyboard stopped for a moment before picking up louder than before.

"I've lost his signal. And there are no cameras to let me see what happened. But considering the method used, it's signed VILE." Player says sadly.

3rd Person POV

Carmen was slowly regaining consciousness. She soon realised that she couldn't move. Panicking, she tried to scream but her sounds came out muffled. The feeling of cloth in her mouth only reinforced her certainty that she was gagged. She can hardly see anything of her surroundings. The realisation that she is probably in the boot of a car doesn't really help her. After a long time, during which she tried to get out of her bonds, the car seems to stop.

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