Always Forever L.JN

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Tea. That's it.

"Hey baby I'm home," Nadia sighs and takes off her shoes forcibly, basically running to plop on the couch next to Jeno. She was planning on going back to her own place but Jeno basically whined over the phone about how lonely he was.

He perks up when his girlfriend scoots closer to him and throws her legs over his lap.

"How was your day mama? You're tense," he reaches over and pulls her closer to him, massaging her neck just like he always does.

"Tough, you know how it can get on retail during the holidays."

Nadia can't even put into words how bad it can be working in retail and dealing with assholes who think the employees are lesser than them.

All that and then she had to go to class right after, she hoped Jeno wouldn't bring that up though. Even though she switched the class just for him, school was still a touchy topic to her due to what happened.

"Mhm. You're not gonna tell me about class?"


"Class was good. Recorded it so I can take notes later and study."

"Cool, maybe I can help you study."

Nadia studied Jeno's face as she always does. He's so cool, calm, and collected. It made her heart hurt and her guilt built up inside of her per usual. She couldn't understand how he was so fine after what happened.

She couldn't dwell on it too long before Jeno caught her staring at him. He stared right back at her for a moment before his eyes switched to her lips and pecked them a few times.

"I love you Dia," Jeno whispers as he pulls away from his last peck, "so much."

Nadia smiled half heartedly as she skipped one too many beats before saying it back. He always said it and he meant it. She knew he did, those hearts in his eyes and his actions spoke volumes and were evidence of his love. She didn't deserve him and she couldn't pretend any longer.

"Jeno why are you still with me?"

The burning question. Holding it in any longer would eat her up and swallow what was left her, which wasn't much.

"What do you mean mama?"

He can't be serious. He can't be pretending like it didn't happen and that everything is fine. What a signature way of shutting down. Nadia knew what an angry Jeno looked like and during that day when she came clean, he didn't even bat an eyelash. It was confusing her and making her feel all the more shitty.

"Why are you still with me after what I did? You just dismissed the whole thing, I just don't get it." She struggled to get out her words as she thought about what she had done, tears welling in disgust with herself once again. Some fucking nerve she had for even crying.

"Nadia can we not. I already told you that I forgive you-"

"But why?! I can't understand why you were and are so calm about it. It's killing me Jeno. You and I can't keep sitting here pretending that nothing is wrong." Nadia spoke through her tears.

And for some reason, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Well what the fuck did you want me to do then Nadia? Did you want me to cry just like your ass is doing right now? Did you want me to become angry and throw shit? Or better yet did you want me to beat the shit out of the Professor," just as quickly as Jeno was calmly trying to shut down the conversation, he was riled up to a tipping point.


"No. Shut up. Because now you're so fucking full of it. It's killing you huh? It's killing YOU that I have go into the class almost every fucking day that my girlfriend was fucked in by the Professor?! You've got some nerve on you. I forgive you and you're grilling me now after you've cheated on me?! Why do you want me to change the way I act because you feel bad about your slutty ass decision? I tried to leave but you begged and begged so here I am! You got your little classroom fantasy and your boyfriend so shut the fuck up about it."

There it was. The hurt Jeno that Nadia couldn't get to. The one that spewed hurtful words to channel his pain. She finally got it and damn did it hurt but it couldn't hurt more than what she did to him. She deserved this. She would take every word, every bit of verbal abuse because she was the reason for it.

Jeno caught himself after everything he said and cringed a little that he let himself break like that. He was doing so well at keeping it in. The angry part of him who would not only fuck up their relationship but would also fuck up Nadia mentally.

When she initially came home that very day and confessed that she had sex with their professor, he just couldn't process the sentence. The thought alone that after he left Nadia in class that day thinking that she needs help with an assignment made him feel like the dumbest person to walk the planet earth. He couldn't process her crocodile tears, or the way she frantically put in the request to switch classes. Somehow she thought that'd be the answer to the problem. Her begging for him to stay was the cherry on top.

All he said was "ok" at the time and dismissed the whole thing. It was mixture of his love for her clouding his judgment and the want to protect from his anger. He would never put his hands on Nadia or anyone for that matter but those situations make you think terrible things to put it lightly. That's when he knew the best thing was to not think about it too much and pretend she still loved him and respected him as her boyfriend.

Even though cheating is the whole juxtaposition of that.

Jeno thought deeply about the whole thing and he knew that eventually his front that he put in to mask his hurt would be exposed eventually. He stayed for Nadia and even though all of this is her fault essentially, he was still putting himself through more hurt just for her. Enough is enough.

"We need to take a break...actually we need to split up."

Nadia sat frozen. Not knowing what to say or do. She knew what she did and that once he snapped it was only a matter a time before he would make this choice for them. She had no power or say anymore. She gave that up when she gave her loyalty up for a quickie on a desk.

All Nadia could do was nod silently and get up. Jeno stayed silent as he watched her get ready to leave out the door for the last time.

As she opened the door to leave out she felt Jeno behind her, grabbing the door for her. She stepped out and turned around to meet his face. There's no way they could miss the tears in each other's eyes.

Jeno couldn't help but pull her into one last hug as he whispered in her ear what she would hear for the final time.

"I love you Nadia. Always and forever."

A/N: Happy New Year's y'all. I was gonna name this chapter Quickie on a desk just to see what y'all would say 😭😭😭 Probably expected something else for the first chapter of the year but cutting negative ties is always a good New Year's resolution no?

Anywho, I wish you all happiness and  joy this year. Seriously make the most of your time no matter what day it is. You can start changing your life whenever YOU want it to. Start now❤️

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