Enjoy You (Ruki Mukami X Reader)

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"She spit in Adam's face and cursed the day she ever saw him. It was the day she'd been born. Then she took--"
I heard a car stopping in front of the church I was in.
I closed the book I was reading
"Father, where's Yui?" I asked.

"I thought I told you to not read such books inside the church? " He said.
"Did... Father just avoid my question? "

Indeed it was an attempt to avoid my question. I started to worry.
"But I haven't even started chapter 1 yet. Yui gave it to me because she knew how much I love books."
As I was talking he walked pass me.
I stopped talking. I started to get suspicious.
Looking down, I asked, "Father, I asked you a question.... Where is Yui? "

"I'm tired, Y/N. She just went to get me something, don't worry. Now, I must go rest. Do not bother me. " I frowned. I held the book tighter.

"Something's wrong. Could those rumours outside the church be true... Me and Yui just raised as sacrifices?"

I went to my room, still feeling anxious.
I took a deep breath.
"Nothing is scarier than your mind. " I said to myself.
Closing my eyes, I resorted to napping to keep myself from thinking of the worst possible ways of what happened could be happening to my sister.


I woke up. Looking outside, I wasn't sure what time was it, but it was dark.
Too dark.

I ran to Father's room.
"Father! Yui still isn't home yet! " I yelled.

"Y/N, " He stopped writing, put the pen down and met my panicked expression. "What did I tell you about not knocking? "

"You're trying to avoid my questions again! Yui-"

"She's no longer with us, Y/N! He yelled.
I froze on my spot.
My chest felt heavy all of a sudden.
" T-that's not true! She's my sister!"
"She isn't your sister and you know it! "

"Why didn't you send me off with her!? " My breathing went wild. I was so angry at him.
"How could you, Father!? "

"I'm going to find her! "
"Y/N! " I slammed the door closed.

I was still on my nightgown. I didn't care. I just wanted to find my sister.

I went around town, holding nothing but a lamp with me, knocking every door. Each door I was met with either angry faces for interrupting their sleep, or people who knew Yui that were worried about her sudden disappearance.
Sadly. No one dared to help me find her.
All they said was, "If a sacrifice was already made, there's no turning back. "

I was starting to lose hope. In front of me was the last door.
I knocked. The door opens.
"Yes?" A guy with blue hair asked me.
"My sister is missing! Have you seen her? She has blonde hair and... " I kept on describing her details.

"I apologize... But we haven't seen anyone. It is concerning how you're looking for your sister at this hour. Let alone you're far away from the town. Would you like to come in and rest for awhile?"

Nodded. A little rest would be good, right?

"Oi, Ruki, who's this? We're going to be late from school." A guy with brown-orange hair popped out of nowhere, which startled me a bit.
"She's looking for her sister." The blue haired guy that I heard his name, Ruki, said.

"Well, your sister is certainly not here... And.... " He approaches me, his face going closer to my neck.
"You have a fine scent, for a lady... " he whispers and I clearly heard.

"I-i should go... " I step away backwards from him.
Taking another step, my back bumps in on someone's chest.
I didn't want to turn around. For I knew I was in trouble.

"You're not going anywhere. " I heard Ruki's voice. His head close to my shoulder level.

"I... " I tried to say something. I knew what was going on.

I was trapped.

"Hmm, I guess Ruki calls dibs on this one. " Putting a hand on his hip, he smirks.

Finally turning around, Ruki was definitely looking down at me.

I tried to run pass him, but he stopped me with his arms.

"Please... I just want to find my sister! " he still looked down at me with the same cold eyes.

He held my wrist and I felt his cold hand. It was as if I touched a corpse.
"Y-your hand... it's cold! " I continue to struggle.

"You should know by now that struggling is of no use. " He glares at me.

Looking around, the other guy was gone.
I stopped struggling immediately as I saw Ruki smirk. I froze when I saw his teeth.
It had fangs. All enough to remind me of the myths I was told.

"The... cold hand... The fangs... Y-you're a-" I shriek as he held my nape and dived down my neck.

"It... hurts... " I couldn't help but hold onto his suit.

I couldn't struggle. It felt like I got weak so fast.
My mind was racing with so many negative possibilities.
I was with a vampire. I could only wish they weren't many in this house to feast on me.

At last. I felt light headed.
My hair was then pulled backwards.
"Don't you dare pass out on me. I was just starting to enjoy you... Your blood tastes amazing."

My legs finally gave out. He was quick to catch me. Held me close on the floor and continued to bite and suck my skin.

"What's your name? " he whispers.
"Tell me your name so I'll stop.... " he threatened with his lips laying down on a spot he didn't bite yet.
"Y/N... Please, I beg you... Stop.... "

His mouth moved away from me.
Blood was smeared on his face.

My eyelids closed. I felt nothing but peace. It felt like war was finally over.

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