Mediocrity (Reiji Sakamaki X reader)

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"Yui, here... I'll help you... The formulas are supposed to be this way... " I wrote on the board what I was trying to teach her.
She stared at me with curious eyes.

Class was done and Yui came in and asked for my help. There was no one in the classroom except the two of us.

"In the end... The answer is... W-wait... " Now I got confused this time, staring at the board, still holding the chalk...
"I-infinite... " putting a finger on my chin, I wasn't really sure of the answer....

"The answer is wrong. " A deep voice was heard, making Yui jump a bit from surprise.
I couldn't even get startled at this point because of the humility.

Footsteps was then heard and it came closer. Turning around,
"Reiji... " I blinked.

He opens his hand, gesturing for me to give the chalk.
So, I gave it to him.

He puts fingers on his chin while examining the things I wrote on the board.
I scratched the back of my head, feeling rather embarrassed.
He's my classmate. He's the smartest guy in class.

We then saw him smirk, and he looked at me. In which I couldn't help but blush.

"The formulas are all right. You didn't get the answer right though... " he then erased the infinite I had put as an answer and then changed it to 0.

He then turns to Yui, "I wouldn't recommend you getting a tutor from her, she wasn't able to get the answer right even though her formula was correct. " He placed the chalk on the teacher's desk rather gracefully.

I frowned.
And was a bit angry.

"Clean this up, and come outside. We're going home. " he walks out of the classroom,  leaving me and Yui.

Me and her started erasing everything on the board.
"It's..." Yui started.
I looked at her...
"It's impressive that you can still remember the long formula. Don't worry, you will get the answer next time, Y/N." As if to make me feel better, it made me smile.

She continued to erase the board, while I continued to look at her.
Such a poor thing. She had to end up like me. Only worse. All of the Sakamaki brothers have been drinking her blood. The only difference was only Reiji gets to drink my blood. I was only a pet to one vampire, but Yui ended up being a pet to the other five vampires.

"All done. Let's go. " I said, grabbing my bag and looking at her.

"Took you long enough. " Ayato said, impatient as always.

Reiji was outside the car with Ayato, the other vampires were already inside.
I caught Reiji glaring at me.
He looked really attractive with his glasses on and it scared me of how smart he could be.

"Do hurry up. " he says, gesturing for us to get in the vehicle.

Me and Yui were surrounded by all of them again. Ayato was sitting next to Yui, while I was sitting next to Reiji.
Maybe we will never get used to them being around.
Yui and I could only look down, not really wanting to start any conversation with the boys.

Subaru definitely held pity with the both of us as he continued to stare at us with the same annoyed expression.

We finally arrived back at the mansion. Yui remains scared, me and her don't really know what's coming next when we go back inside.

My wrists was suddenly grabbed. I held back a gasp, greeting my teeth. I refused to admit fear even if it's how obvious it is.

"Not bad... Really not bad... "His face came closer to mine.
I hate it here. I was nothing but a play thing to this sadistic purple haired vampire.

I continued to glare at him. The other brothers could only watch us.

The next thing was me getting dragged towards the library.
"Alright! Don't be so rough! I can walk, you know! "
"Quiet! " he yells.

The door to the library was gently opened, and I was flung inside roughly.

Getting up, "What the hell!? Couldn't you be more gentle!? No wonder you got no hoes! " I scream.

He didn't pay attention to me as he went searching pages on books.

He sets down a couple of books on a table.
"You are a representation of mediocrity. Come here and beg for me to teach you more about physics." He sat down on one of the chairs.

"I can teach myself. " I said, looking away.

"You couldn't even find the answer after doing that formula earlier."

"You said I got the formula right. I just couldn't get the answer right. So, no thank you-" I went to open the door to get out of the place but I was stopped by four eyes again.

Staring at him in the eyes while he held the collar of my uniform from the back, I had a chance to admire his pissed off expression.

"Why do you want to teach me so bad? I thought I was just a livestock! You don't get to care about me or Yui! " And with that, my back was suddenly pushed against the door.

"You're pathetic." His glaring intensifies and I continue to look at him with hatred.
"Know who's stronger than you... Stop defying me, " he takes my wrist.
"Stop resisting me, " he takes my other wrist.
Now, both my arms were pinned on the door close to both sides of my head.
"I will break you if I have to. "

"I'm already broken. " I swallow a hanging lump in my throat when I felt one of his hands grip tighter on one of my wrists.

"No... " his face goes closer...
"I want to be the one to break you... That you'll beg no one for you to survive in your life, but me. "

Then... I did something that he'll never be able to forget.

I started laughing... rather crazily.

"Maybe I was right... You're the one who's pathetic, Reiji... " I let out a groan in the middle of a laugh when I felt his other hand tighten its grip on my other wrist.

"And why? " he asks. His crimson eyes looking at me with so much anger behind his glasses.

"You've started to like a lowly livestock... Me." I put on a small smirk on my lips.
Though, I was disappointed his pissed off expression didn't change, but I can clearly see and feel the atmosphere change.

My laughing finally ends with a whimper, his fangs now on my neck, biting and sucking my skin.
He roughly brings my body closer for a much better access on my skin.

I didn't struggle. I knew it was no use. He was stronger than me.

Fingers found its way on my chin, lifting my face up for him to see.
"Why didn't you struggle... " his cold eyes didn't change, but there was this rare gentle aura he was showing.

I didn't answer. I looked at him with blank eyes.

He brings one of my hands closer to his mouth and bites it.
I whimper again.
"Tell me... How did you know that I have started to like you.... "

"It was obvious... You wanted to break me so much because you like the idea of me begging for you to fix me... Me begging for you to complete me..." I smirk.

He glares at me, his eyes squinting.
"You're not bad... " he smirks.

"I also feel something for you... Kinda the same.... " I laugh again.
"I like the idea of you obsessing over me... Like how I crave to be needed, to be loved, to be a source to sustain a life. "

"So you admit that you do like the bites I give you... " he pulls me in on his chest.

"Yes.... " I blush.

My hair was again pulled to the side, fangs once again on the side of my neck.

"You masochistic slave... "
"You sadistic four-eyed bastard. "

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